What are you preparing for dinner tonight?

Is it no’ jist? :yum:

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Asparagus risotto with asparagus just picked from my allotment


My asparagus has not shown it’s head yet. That extra mulching was too deep perhaps.

You still have it to look forward to then! Not sure which area you live but in London asparagus has gone mad from end of last week. At moment it is giving us about 14 spears every 2 days. Not complaining - it is one of highlights of allotment year. ATB

I’m in the Cotswolds - I’ve had Evesham sparrowgrass for the last 3 weeks. The first two lots were pencil thin, but Fridays were as thick as my little finger. The best veg of the year.
I’ve two beds of the stuff, and the hens love to weed the beds. But the soil is very thin - hence the belated mulching.

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My wife now very jealous hearing that you have hens! Bit antisocial in London

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Just had to look up ‘sparrow-grass’ and hadn’t realised it was an old English name for asparagus or that Evesham so important in production in years gone by. Do they still hold asparagus auctions?

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My daughters homemade focaccia was delicious last night


That’s a good question - here is a link to a festival that holds auctions.

I expect it will be disrupted by life events now but who knows.

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A couple of T Bones, BOQ’d of course.


15% fat isn’t that low for supermarket mince but perhaps I’ll add some melted beef dripping next time!

(Chances are it’ll just solidify on contact though!)



Daal Khichdi - khichdi is a complete meal made with rice and lentils which are pressure cooked together
some cut onions
home made cup cakes!
bowl of papaya ( not in pic )

some crispies in the side - to taste

simple, healthy and soulful…



Only if you also have a male chicken (a word Discourse won’t allow through - maybe they don’t know what the word means?)

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Homemade gourmet burgers.

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:wink:yorkshires and chicken ? Call the food police

I prefer that one, seems more tasty. I am a fan of “ gourmet “ burgers as you. :smile:

But I would still eat yours of course :hugs:

Here a French video on some burgers made in Palace hotels, the most prestigious hotels in France.
A burger shown in the video, with Kobe beef ( written like that?) is sold for more than 1k.

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The weather is so good and trying to occupy the children we made some pizza dough, fired up the pizza oven and they topped their own.


Holy Moly, yon Pizza does look good. :yum:

If you were still in Sheffield, I’d be on my way over. :running_man:

Keeping it simple Chez Dave this evening … pan fried, skin on, salmon fillets, Hasselback spuds and baked cauliflower florets … with Zep blasting out … LOUD!

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Haha, you’d be welcome Dave if we weren’t locked down. Also dinner doesn’t sound that simple!

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