What are you preparing for dinner tonight?

Last nights Korean chicken. Curry tonight, will post later.



Thankyou. I’ll be round shortly.

It was . 29 Acacia Road. Crispytown.
Wasn’t it ??

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Lol. I got the pork tenderloin from the Ginger Pig and it was just lovely. The ultimate comfort food

My pork char Sui the other night was ruined because that pork shoulder joint was unfortunately from a tainted piggy.
The big chops I get are so sweet and clean from the local butcher. Yet many other cuts (from the same butchers)seem to come from the different piggies.
Tainted pork to me tastes of a bitter overly hormonal funky displeasing flavour. Best pork is like a sweet garlic Unami type.
I hope Im not the only one that’s afflicted with this taste disposition.

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Definitely agree that not all the pork is the same and it’s worth spending on meat from a better, happier piggy-wiggy

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I once had dinner with a pig farmer who supplied meat to a ‘cheaper’ supermarket. Their customers, bizarrely, didn’t like thick rinds on their pork chops and wanted more meat. So he had to take the fat off the meat, shave it to 4mm and then bond it back on to the meat :disappointed:

You can definitely tell when a porker was raised to be a happy :blush: porker :pig2::pig2::pig2:

We have a good farm shop that produces good chops but two local butchers sell free range pork and you can taste the difference.

Pork is my meat of choice for Christmas and it’s so worthwhile to spend extra.

I very rarely buy meat from the supermarket as I don’t think their welfare standards are that high


Same here but I do feel it’s changing people are putting pressure on the larger supermarkets. It’s been helped by a good campaign by animal rights groups here.

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Sounds like someone was misbehaving in the lairage or in the race to the slaughter chamber. Or poor hygiene in the cutting shop.

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Like this , served with a nice organic cider and some Calvados or Somerset Cider Brandy :tumbler_glass:

I can feel my arteries hardening at the memory of it, the meat balls are made with apricots and some of my own chillie flakes


That looks proper lovely. Pork and apples were meant for each other - whether it’s apple sauce, caramelised apples, cider or apple brandy.
Or all of the above :wink:


Partial to some nice roast pork but for tonight… Pasta with a vegetable ragu and parmigiano cream.


I believe it’s a gender thing.
Most slaughter houses will introduce 6 female pigs and 1 male pig in the crucial last minutes to prevent stress.
The male pigs since not being nutless taste revolting compared to the sweet female pigs.
So you’re in a lottery.
Most decent butchers should have things clearly stamped pork tattoo like.
Fortunately I’m in the minority that can differentiate the flavours.
My other half thinks I’m crazy that I can tell difference.

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Yes I make an apple gravy to go with it

It’s Sunday so another slow cooked lamb shoulder awaits, a backup as the beef topside I bought over a week ago is use by today so may not be ideal but I’ve not even started it yet!


My wife demanded ramen with tofu tonight. I struggled with tofu for many years but I think I have cracked it now. Before marinating you need to press it so that you get rid of excess liquid and it can then soak up marinade. I then marinade it with soy sauce, sesame oil, rice wine vinegar, honey and chilli flakes. I then dust the tofu slices with cornflour ( makes them more crispy) and fry them. The key trick is to then put the marinade liquid in the frying pan so that as it cooks off the tofu pieces get glazed. A revelation


Mrs W away so I can indulge.


Looks fantastic.
Just got some black ramen bowls. Just sets of the Japanese colours and the eggs I can agree.

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It’s Pancake Tuesday. The question for us isn’t what but with what. For me it’s always Golden Syrup. My wife always goes sugar and lemon. Happy days.

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Lemon and sugar on thin pancakes, maple syrup on thicker ones if i have a choice.