What are you preparing for dinner tonight?

Pfffft. Lightweights.


You’re never going to get a decent risotto from a restaurant. Risotto requires someone to continually stir for 20 mins and is therefore not economically viable


I know they have a big pot stirred up in the mornings then batch chilled.
Then a serving cooked up with a generous amount of butter and Parmesan.
Of course the rice will be too hydrated.

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Grew up in Japan, Ajinomoto has done some questionable advertising campaign. They claimed it improves the IQ of a child. Back in the 60s many mothers put it regularly in food for children. :roll_eyes:

Back then the food industry was not regulated ( no FDA ) nor advertisers did not have to back it up with the facts.

Far too much sodium to be healthy for the body, particularly for young children.
That’s just the same as adding extra salt!

@TOBYJUG and @crispyduck i recall reading a lengthy article by Locatelli about risottos. Apart from interesting comments about types of rice and the various stages he commented that in, I think, the north west of Italy they favour risotto cooked in the oven, with carnaroli rice; however he prefers using vialone nano. Arborio is bog standard according to him.

I think I have mentioned baldo rice before - worse than arborio, but sometimes needs must, especially as I gather the rice harvest failed last year in Italy.


Just Marmite ? :innocent:

Used some fish sauce as we had some opened, marmite next time maybe as, while pleasant, it lacked any real oomph…


My first Broad Beans


Bovril instead of marmite would be my top tip.
Not as obvious a flavour.

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:+1: Would work and being soffritto and wine based, would still be lighter than a ragu.


We mostly prefer carnaroli but sometimes we like t use vialone nano, particularly for seafood risotto.


Or supermarket own-label yeast extract.

Prawn Dhansak.

My daughter just asked our smart speaker for a recipe and it replied “Here is a video of a prawn dance act from Britain’s Got Talent”.



Maybe we are immune to salt! Remember soy source is saltier than salt and we put it in practically everything!

Salt is one of the most tasty ingredient perhaps more so than sugar. ( for me anyways ) :slightly_smiling_face:

What’s your blood pressure like?
Any degree of swelling of fingers or feet?
Any varicose veins? If so are they getting worse?
(Some people, although a minority, can tolerate significantly more sodium than can others. However beware, this decreases with age!)

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None of those symptoms so far.

I even put sea salt on watermelon chunks! ( that’s how we eat it in Japan ) :upside_down_face:

Fresh caught Kahawai fish from Wellington Harbour two hours ago with artisan soy sauce and wasabi. Not fishy at all.


That looks so good, I’m missing good sushi unfortunately I’m not allowed. :frowning: