What beer are you drinking and WHY might anyone be interested?

It’s unseasonably hot here in Hampshire today, so this is going down rather well.


Paulaner Weißbier.

Because I skipped Munich this year, I simply brought Munich to me.

Very refreshing!


The murky looking beer on the right is a Shimmel Reiter from Brasserie Cheval, another microbrewery. It’s the guest beer in a café just near our hotel in central Nancy, and is at a cheaper price during happy hour. In fact it’s happy two hours, from 6 to 8pm. It has tasting notes on the menu - coriander, citrus fruits and spices. It’s 7% but you’d never know it, as it doesn’t taste strong, and it’s absolutely delicious. However, after two 50cl glasses you sleep rather well.

The Affligem blond is Mrs HH’s, but I wanted something different.


An impressive array of beer at the Fox in Lower Oddington; sadly the prices were also impressive. Nevertheless, I needed a pint so I choose the 2.6% Small Beer Hazy with my lamb burger; it was as refreshing as was the burger was tasty.


The decent food pubs around my way have been >£5 per pint (say London Pride) for some time, and Guinness is min £5.45, which is nowadays the ‘chilled’ variety. The economics are awry somewhere when Sainsbury’s are selling Bishops Finger for £1.85 per bottle (and not ‘reduced’).


My local still has beer with ABV <4% at under a fiver.
As the Fox is part of the Daylesford stable I was expecting severe pricing regimen but not above £6 a pint. Having said that their cheese pricing was a good £5 above the going rate around here

You’re not wrong there; when I can pick up any 4 X 500ml. bottles of a vast array of proper Yorkshire beers for just seven squid from my local Morrisons.

I think that the supermarkets have long since recognised that the 3/4 nights a week visits to the local pub are really a thing of the past, and that folk are just as happy to have a beer at home, certainly at these sort of prices.


Not really a lager drinker but I’m trying Stella Unfiltered. Refreshing.

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Every year, about this time, I give this nectar a mention.

Peroni Gran Riserva Doppio Malto - 6.6% Abv.

“Created in Italy to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Peroni brewery’s foundation, Peroni Gran Riserva Doppio Malto has a unique aroma of spices due to the long process during which the mash (milled malt and brewing liquor) ferments at a low temperature for days and the use of special caramel malts. It has an intense taste, with aroma of cereals, toasted malt, spices and a delicate fruity aftertaste which make this product balanced and not intrusive. The recipe requires the use of 100% Italian malt and the absence of un-malted cereals.”

Never mind all that tosh, it tastes great, and Morrisons are currently knocking out four 500ml bottles for nine squid, on offer.

Bargain. :beer: :yum: :yum:


Woo oo first decent beer in Portugal or Spain this trip. Estrella 1906 - amber and toasty. Hmm 6.5%, better stick to one still got 15km to walk.


I let myself be inspired. :wink:

Estrella for me, too!


On golfing holiday in Portugal (Alvor) ,lovely 6% beer,just a couple after finishing round,and before heading out to restaurant.


And it was. :grin:


In county Cork for a few days, so had a few pints of Beamish before the Bruce Springsteen gig.


Gee I’m envious on both levels. :+1:


You ever seen Springsteen Pete

First time fir me was London Hammersmith in 1975 - knew I was seeing something that would last a long time

Couple of times since - didn’t like his born in the USA tour in 80’s much though

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No and tbh he’s probably one of the only artist I’d put myself at risk to see. I did have tickets to see the Born in the USA tour but gave them away to go to work in Port Douglas of 6 months.

Saw him on one of his recent concert here where he had the guitarist from Rage the Machine Band / forget his name now

Excellent gig amazing energy

Only thing I hate these days in the big arenas is that audience not really into the music it’s more about taking photos on their goddam phones


That’s a problem everywhere people would rather film an incident than actually help.


I have seen him a couple of times before, but it is my partner who is the real fan. She is going to see him in London in a few weeks too. The gig was great, but it poured with rain. He played Santa Claus is coming to town for the first time in a long while.

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