What beer are you drinking and WHY might anyone be interested?

Thornbridge Session IPA

Pretty good, an IPA for people who don’t like IPA.


Decent choice at Beerbohm’s in Lichfield. Burton Bridge very good.


A Kilkenny red velvet at the Mean Fiddler


Ah the Mean Fiddler Pete

Drank and had meals there when worked at GPT that owns the shopping centre and a very successful one it is. Went through the massive constructions on that centre and great memories.

The pub way back when was a pretty rough joint with lots of fights etc

It’s quite good during the day but apparently it does go off late on a Saturday night

Settling in for the rugby Champions Cup Final, Leinster vs Toulouse. I’m an Ulster man so have to shout for Leinster today, even though I really admire Toulouse.

Choice of beer for the occasion is Staropramen, in regulation glass of course. A damned good beer I may say! :beer:


I had this Japanese wheat beer in a Nottingham Ramen restaurant last night. Lovely stuff.

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Mmmmm joining Ena Sharples in a Fat Cat Milk Stout. A full 70 yards of beer miles on this one! All that nourishment in a glass.


Ena Sharples! :grinning:


Yup that’s one fine looking woman!

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La Chouffe Blonde :ok_hand:


Pretty sure this is happening in a lot of places

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However great things happen occasionally

Was at a cafe/restaurant in Berrima for lunch on Friday with friend

We ordered 2 glasses of wine each and the part owner left rest of the bottle on the house

Not to mention the food was delicious

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I’m pretty good at reminding them it’s not full. One of our local pubs is a constant offended.

I can’t remember anyone leaving the bottle with me (and not charging).

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Did leave them a good tip which I usually do so maybe had something to do with it

But a good gesture it was

We always tip even though it’s not really necessary here as the staff salary isn’t based on it. One thing that does annoy me is a weekend surcharge, I don’t mind if it going to the staff but I have a sneaky suspicion that it’s generally keep by the owner.

If it’s great service I’ll tip

Yep surcharge is open to scandalous behaviour Pete and what you say is probably true in many cases

I know a cafe in Balmain where the owner pockets all the cash tips albeit they’ve dropped off these days - pretty disgusting and doesn’t treat the staff very well anyway

Great selection at The Bandstand, tonight.

Dark Ness, 6X and XB, all superb!




Two pale ales from Kernel with different hops. Liked the both.