What book are you reading right now?

Yoshikawa’s Musashi is an incredible read!

Actually, I love (and have re-read multiple times) the four books and my preference shifts periodically from one another. The catcher in the rye has become the literary equivalent of Glenn Gould’s Goldbergs I fear… Hopefully JD will manage to escape revisionism.
My choice today would perhaps be Franny & Zooey.

But who knows if I’ll manage to understand it…


Salinger led such a sad life, turning in on himself, and became a total recluse, living in isolation.

Are we sure it was a sad life? The character of Buddy Glass seems modeled on himself, and he’s known to have had a wife, a daughter, perhaps a lover… Sometimes I can understand the disappearance of any desire to be part of a conventional community. And he certainly isn’t forgotten…

This is being read to me as an audio book for my book at bedtime.


Finished “Erasure” and immediately afterward watched “American Fiction,” which is based on it. Some interesting changes, but it generally tracks the novel. The biggest difference is that “Erasure” includes the complete (65 pages) novel within a novel, “My Pafology.”

Slow Horses orSlough House 7&8,which will bring me upto date,are .99p each on Kindle today.

A bit of a different take on a crime novel, definitely a great read!


Having been intrigued by the mention of this author earlier, I decided to try this from the local library.

It seems to have been popular for a long time. The price on the dust jacket is 16 shillings!



Lovely to see the old library borrowing tickets and date stamps.

Our library is now fully automated. You show it book and membership card bar codes and you are done. E-Mail reminder as the end of your loan period expires.


As it happens, ours does too. I was quite surprised to find the old style borrowing inside the book, even though it has a modern barcode.


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I picked this up on impulse while in our local library. It’s quite a short but very amusing read.


Railway Times - Issue No. 3 1950

First issue I have purchased, interesting reading, will be buying issues 1 & 2


If you enjoy the book try Shaun Bythell His thoughts on both helpers and customers are curmudgeonly to say the least.

He has a broken (by him) Kindle nailed to his shop wall.


That looks very interesting! Will have to look out for a copy.

I was very tempted by the model of the Fell when it was announced but sense prevailed. :grinning:



Sense! what’s that, succumbed a few times in the past, have a interest in the late 60’s end of steam and the BR Blue diesel period, so why do I have, models of A4’s in Garter Blue, Apple Green & Silver Link Grey… :grin:


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The Great Gathering in OO? :grinning:


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Simply, The Best? ( and prettiest).

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No, these were bought before Hornby thought of that, there’s another 5 A4’s and 4 A3’s all in BR Green…Why I don’t know now…Sense, mine must have been on holiday at the time :grin:

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