What’s going to happen?

So who is supplying Paulmoney with Naim gear? I’ll bet it’s not the current Naim distributor Chris Murphy

.The plot thickens

Perreaux is looking more attractive by the minute :smile:
Is Paulmoney the hi fi division of The Warehouse group?

Good one Boddah re Warehouse comment :crazy_face:

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Looking at the internet archive, the first capture that cites Naim as a brand was made in September 2020, listing muso and uniti products and, more recently, the Focal/Naim package deals.

Some rooster supplying them from across the ditch ? I don’t know

Rooster ha, I haven’t heard that term for a while.

Careful, @frenchrooster might think @Bevo is suggesting he is running a black market for Naim gear

Good one znai, hadn’t thought of that one

Hi Znai, of which post you are referring ? Sorry but you haven’t quoted it and I don’t remember.

Hi fr

In the post above mine, @Bevo said:

… And my first reaction, I thought he was suggesting you were doing it

But “some rooster” just means a person

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My dealer has emailed his clients about the change. The NZ distributer and Naim’s owners have decided to part ways. The distribution will be an Australian company and the current NZ dealers will no longer be stocking Naim due to differences between business models.

Hence, an over 30 year relationship will come to an end, where the existing distributer and dealers sold the highest number of Naim units per population in the world.

It’s the biggest dirty by the French on the Kiwis since the Rainbow Warrior :flushed:


That’s a shame, and still no answer about service. I’m staggered by Naims approach and lack of inclusion and honesty.

Will your current dealer be able to help.

Not for sales from the new distributor, no. But no doubt, there are a bunch of Aussies with 30 years experience on standby​:joy::joy:

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He always helps to empty my pockets!


Yes I herd the numbers are good. Sounds to me somebody’s ego has been bruised, threat has been identified exterminate!!
I read a good book called “ taming toxic people“ all about corporate psychopaths written by David Gillespie, excellent book gives you a look in on the way they think and how it works. At the end of the day do as I say! Even though it will damage the company it’s all about the psychopath, you will never beat them because they have zero empathy. Once you read it you see them everywhere. Especially in the workplace.

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All pretty shitty if you ask me but you know what goes around comes around

N.A Distributors (ie: Chris Murphy ) got the Australian distributorship from Audio Genesis ( my dealer for 35 years) some years ago which was again pretty shitty when it happened.

However the wonderful thing is Chris and Harry ( Audio Genesis) are still good friends and support each other.

I agree with you Pete

It’s all about the Distributor having the knowledge and expertise to support their dealer network who in turn having ability to service the customer

If that chain is broken the product ( doesn’t matter if Naim or not ) will lose market share and disappear. At the end of the day it’s all about a satisfied customer.

I’ve had as you have had many wonderful service from a retailer who has built up a customer base through an unbelievable level of service backed up by a pretty good distributor with great knowledge and expertise

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True and both you and I know what we’d do if our dealer was cast aside. My black boxes might be a different colour.

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Indeed they would be

I’ve already started painting mine, the primer is almost dry.
Any suggestions on a colour for the top coat?