What’s the last movie you saw in the cinema

The must-see Finnish film of the beginning of the year. All screenings of Stormskerry Maja now have both Finnish and English subtitles.

The archipelago epic brimming with female energy brings a tear to the eye, but leaves you feeling empowered and grateful, marveling at life.

Based on the novels by Anni Blomqvist, the film tells the story of a determined woman’s life on a remote isle in 19th century Finland. Rural life has plenty of challenges, but Maija is full of love, strength and life.


American Fiction - first and foremost funny, a sharp satire on literary loviedom and a rumination on family all underpinned by the black american experience.


Great effort. Gripping, exciting and a lot packed into its 2 1/2 hours. Visually epic.

Though it does get a bit Life of Brian at times, ‘Blessed are the big noses’ sort of stuff.

My guess is that there will be a rather extended edition director’s cut at some point!


Saw Dune 2 in IMAX and was very impressed. The desert scenes were very well shot and the battle scenes were impressive as were the shots underground - great cinematography basically!

I was impressed with the character development as the (long) film progressed. Paul Atreides fought with his future vision but ended up following it anyway. I thought his mother’s character developed well too.

For a blockbuster production, I thought this delivered really well. Well worth seeing.


He’s not a naughty boy, he is The Messiah.
Or is he?
Guess book 2 will tell ‘em…


Having seen the second part today, i preferred part 1… was on a grander scale to me but part 2 laid the groundwork for more in the series nicely.

Never read the books, but was underwhelmed by the 80’s movie version (I think) and have avoided other versions/mini-series.

Are both films genuinely worth a watch?


Thanks. Is the first instalment on any streaming services?

Its available on Netflix or to buy/rent on apple/prime

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Great, thanks, I’ve been going off Netflix but the ladies of the household won’t let me cancel.

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Sounds good.

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Went to see DUNE II last night

Wow :flushed:


going saturday…

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Dune 2 today and it’s very good


The last movie was Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy. In 2011. But I am thinking about Dune2….


Just been to see Dune 2, I enjoyed it’s predecessor more

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I didn’t think it was that coherent

I thought the Harkonnens were suitably villainous

I’m with you - enjoyed part 1 but this is a bit meh. Quite dull in parts and Timothee Chalamet doesn’t convince as a charismatic leader. And someone needs to tell Zendaya that there is more to acting than having a permanent scowly face

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Agreed about Chalamet. He hasn’t convinced me in much tbf. Over rated.

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