What’s the last movie you saw in the cinema

Star Wars - Rise of Skywalker, Twice. Loved it. For me (and many of my age and above) the end of a saga that has been part of my entire life. I saw Episode IV, Star Wars in a cinema in Norwich at the age of 9 in 1977 - A friend from School, Ian Riseborough’s birthday treat - No idea where he is or what he’s doing, but thank you Ian, I would not have seen Star Wars at that time if it wasn’t for you!


@VintageMike I’ve missed all of them, though keep promising myself to make an effort and watch them.over the course of a weekend - would be ideal if a cinema showed them back to back.

I was 7 Back in '77, and we were due to go and see the movie - mum dressed my brother and I up in our best and whilst waiting to leave it absolutely honked it down with rain - on clearing we were let out to play with strict instructions not to mess up our best gear.

We played in and around the biggest puddle we could find, jumping into it, riding push bikes through it and having a great time - when it was time to leave we were soaked!

We never got to see Star Wars, an early night to bed and a proper rollicking was our reward!!!

We saw Little Women on Saturday. I thought it was wonderful and despite having never read the book and being hopeless at following plots I found it really enjoyable and was hardly confused at all. I got through a lot of tissues and as the lights went up about half the audience was dabbing their eyes. Greta Gerwig is such a good director and how this isn’t up for the best director Oscar amazes me. It’s sad to see sexism so alive and well in the industry.

3 recent viewings at the multis
Knives Out - 5/5
Little Women 3.5/5
1917 - 6/5 !

Also a Japanese drama called Shoplifters (in Japanese) - a very moving story.

I saw that for the first time before Christmas - I enjoy old movies, but I was a bit surprised how revered this ‘beloved’ movie is - it was ok, but I wouldn’t rush to watch it again to be honest.

Not sure the evidence exists to support a charge of sexism. With only 5 slots up for grabs, and given the ratio of male to female directors (12:1 in 2019), difficult to corroborate. What I find more unacceptable is the need to differentiate between actors and actresses - surely there should be only one, non gender specific, award category?

That’s by Hirokazu Kore-eda – he’s my favourite contemporary director. If you like Shoplifters, try Our Little Sister - you will adore that.

His other films, Like Father, Like Son; Mabrosi; The Truth; and Still Walking are all essential viewing IMO.

One of the most egregious memes (if I may call it that) of recent years – propogated in this country by the increasingly idiotic Guardian – has been the charge that anyone who doesn’t like Little Women (or the recent awful Ghostbusters or Charlie’s Angels reboots) is some sort of knuckle-dragging sexist.

Little Women is by no stretch a great movie. A competently directed flick, one that has been made many times before. Both the George Cukor (1933) and Mervyn Le Roy (1949 in searing Technicolor) versions are far better, and more cinematic experiences that Gerwig’s overly understated version, which is absolutely fine, and enjoyable enough, but which never really rises above the workmanlike (sic). I get that some people are thrilled that a woman has finally directed Little Women , but GG is no Cukor or Le Roy, nor does she have such stellar acttresses as Liz Taylor or Kate Hepburn or Mary Astor or Joan Bennett or Janet Leigh available to her.

Gerwig has yet to prove herself as an outstanding director and as far as I’m concerned, Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, Parasite or 1917 would be far more worthy of a gong.


I love this story - And very jealous that you have 40 years of Star Wars to watch - The first 3 episodes are so-so in my opinion, then watch Rogue One before Episode IV onwards, its the gap filler…The last 3 are very special IMHO. I can see a Blu-Ray/4K set purchase on the horizon…

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Saw Little Women last night. I can’t honestly see what all the fuss is about! A totally unnecessary, if competent, remake which adds absolutely nothing to previous versions. Yet another example of the paucity of original ideas for films. Hopefully 1917 on Sunday evening will rescue my week!

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Agree - thought LW was entertaining but nothing special. Loved 1917 - hope you do too

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RAN remaster in a movie theather…

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Just home from seeing this, very very good, Sam Mendes on form for this First World War story

Just pleased my son did Not have to go through the horrific trenches, not as brutal Private Ryan or Fury but still well worth watching


Saoirst Ronan (Jo) was the pick of the bunch. Saw her in Hanna and Atonement.


Oh dear! We went to see 1917 last night. Both my wife and I were disappointed. Never mind, we can’t all like the same things. At least The Gentleman rescued a week of film going, and I have Ford v Ferrari to look forward to later this week.

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Oh dear - that’s a shame. I’m now waiting for David Copperfield to come out - trailers look great. Saw ‘Waves’ last night and can’t recommend it

David Copperfield is on my list as well! My theory with films is you have to pretty much ignore trailers and reviews, and kiss a lot of frogs!

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Cats, Leicester Sq over new year, er, nice cinema?

1917 brilliant


I saw ford v Ferrari in imax wonderful
Best motor sport film I have ever seen

F1 fanatic