What the hell is an audiophile recording?

  1. Is the featured artist someone who you have never heard of? No
  2. Are they playing an instrument that looks impossible to tune, much less play…No
  3. Does the featured artist spell their name in an unusual way?.. No
  4. Was the recording released by an obscure record label? if by that you mean small independent…Yes
  5. Does the music contained in the recording celebrate the cultural diversity of an indigenous people or their country of origin?.. No
  6. Was the recording made using a restored vintage analogue R2R recording device, e.g. Nagra, Studer?..No
  7. Is the music contained in the recording wholly inappropriate for dancing?..No
  8. Would you have no wish to see the featured artist in live performance? I’d love to;
  9. Does the featured artist have facial hair? (Please note that this question is also applicable to female artists)…Well… https://naim.bleepstores.com/
  10. Is it likely that, having listened to the recording once, you would never play it again?..No
  11. Would the featured artist be unlikely to release a ‘Greatest Hits’ album?..Yes
  12. Does the recording enable you to focus on the more detailed mid-range of your most recent system upgrade?..Yes

Thanks Kefas
I think that we have to keep supporting the small independent labels like Naim and not ridicule them.
Those labels are having great well recorded music by great musicians.
It is my impression that those labels let the musicians play their music while the big labels interfere too much with the music.

Completely agree, but folk still buy them.

:small_blue_diamond:@TiberioMagadino,…These statements that constantly reappear from some,.are getting a little ridiculous according to me

I don’t think forum-friends here are gullible,.or especially stupid.
If you don’t hear the difference between cables,.there is something else wrong in the installation of your music-system…As Simply As That.
There is a difference between cables,.just as it is with all other music-equipment, streamers, amps etc,etc.
Do you not hear it,.well then I will be very pensive about that person’s installation of his music-system.

I have never so far,.met someone who does not hear a difference on cables when I have demonstrated different cables.
This from beginners to advanced listeners.
And,.we have tested lots since 1994,.in the Music and HiFi-association I started then,and onwards to the present day.

Then,.you can always discuss the price-level of cables and other equipment.
For me it can be just as absurd with a cable that costs say…£3400:-.
As Naim’s ND555 with two power-supply for…£31 100:-,.as the price is in Sweden.

But it is the market and performance that determines the price.
So it’s just to accept in both of these examples,.or how.


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Or their ears are not good enough to hear a difference,
or their room muddies the sound,
or the equipment they use is not very revealing,
or the equipment they use is immune to the effects of certain cables,
or there is no difference between whatever cables they have compared…

Peder’s righteous indignation when anyone has the temerity to suggest they are unable to discern the improvements he believes certain cables/dressing/racks bring to the table is quite amusing! I don’t doubt he has the experience he claims, but he really must learn that his way isn’t always the right or only way.


Listen to this and you know the answer, it’s also a great album…


i should perhaps listen to it. It will solve my problem in the powerblock suggestions thread. :grinning:

Let’s get back on topic, what is an audiophile recording:grinning:

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I still haven’t tracked down that particular pot of gold! As ever, ask a hundred hifi enthusiasts the same question and you might just get more answers than you bargained for!

Seriously, I honestly don’t think I can come up with anything that captures all the angles that have been raised. Perhaps just leave it as a recording that is technically proficient, well balanced and where all the constituent parts (instrumental or vocal) are given the volume and presence the band/orchestra/artist intended them to have.

i.e. more than 100!

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I refuse to buy any cd priced over £20, i never have done and i’ll think twice about paying more than £15 for one, unless you’re really flush with cash that is.

Some people just are’nt interested in the constant spending spree race just to get a slightly better sound, they seem to get the joy from the listening experience itself, if they like it then it’s all that matters to them which should be the most important thing shouldn’t it?
I mean where will it all end and how much money have you spent getting it?

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If & when a CD is the only way available, I think twice if its over £10. But strange that I don’t get so tight over hi-res downloads. A CD has cost in its material content, disc, case, paper etc. whereas a download … err …

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And the cd still holds value as you can always sell it on or give it away or to a friend or charity and having the same similarity as console blu-ray games. I’ll like being old fashioned this way though it’s important too.
I lost a large library of hard to get ripped and burnt copies of my favourite music arti. My brother accidently deleted them permenantly from the hard drive of his computer. The work gone into that musiccollection was a lot and i’m never going to repeat it again!
Guess i’m tactile to and if i’m gonna pay for something it still has to be worth something.
It feels like your paying for something which really doesn’t exist this digital stuff and some of ot’s very, very poor value for money too!

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You do have a point. But the way the market is developing I’m afraid CD’s will slowly disappear.
I read somewhere that Vinyl is selling better than CDs.

Naim records:https://naim.bleepstores.com/ Harry Jay Steele and Sons of Kemet only seems to be available as mp3 download or streaming or on EP.
Of the whole https://www.soundliaison.com/ catalog, I only see Carmen Gomes selling her albums in CD format via her https://carmengomes.bandcamp.com/, the rest of the albums are only available as high resolution downloads.

I still maintain an album cut live direct to disc not doing through tape or digital electronics must by definition be an audiophile recording.

This is what I call an audiophile recording.

“Dreamhouse” Fred Simon
Naim Records - 24/96 WAV

I have some other Fred Simon work that is more jazz funk & excellent it is too.
I spotted this one as a result of a post on the forum & just had to get it.

This is contemporary jazz, nothing complicated lounge style & relaxing.
The musicianship is as good as it gets, Fred on piano with just acoustic bass & drums & it is a superb set.

Why is it “audiophile“ ? It’s just a superb recording with minimal mixing & post production mastering & has nothing obviously added or taken away. It sounds so very natural & just like the trio is in the room, & with some excellent stereo & realistic live performance stage sounds it enhances it all.


I have purchased more cd’s in the past 6 months then in the past 6 years. I’m just discovering new ambient albums as my tastes have changed somewhat.

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That Fred Simon album is superb. I wish Naim would record more albums like that.

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