What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Purchasing second handed just as everything Naim but sure, if one looks at the cost of everything as new it quickly sums up. Waiting for the 272 successor since I don’t want more Naim boxes and to be honest the 272 + 555PSDR, 300DR, Lumin U1 mini sounds wonderful with Entreq and Furutech NCF tech surrounding it. Very much enjoy the sound in my system today with all the tweaking which to be honest I wasn’t prepared for :slightly_smiling_face:

Also have one Furutech FT-SWS NCF on the way :+1:


You are lucky to find all these Entreq components second hand. I have one Entreq power cord, the entry level, but still more expensive than powerline. Makes a good job on my switch.

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Here in Sweden they pop up now and then. I rarely find used Naim here at least higher level. Think I’ve seen a single 252 in last three years :slightly_frowning_face:

Didn’t know you used Entreq :blush: You should try anything from their Ethernet range. Did wonderful things in my system.

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I forgot you were in Sweden. It’s clearer now.
For now I don’t think of improving my network more, as I invested in a Melco N1zh2, 3 Audioquest diamond, linear ps for the router, and Innuos PhoenixNet.
But maybe one day. There’s also the Synergetic Research Ethernet cables, highly regarded too.


If I may put my two-penneth in - I always thought that spending so much on cables was rather silly/daft until I had my eyes opened a good few years back by my local dealer! Can’t remember exactly what my system was but it was the v3 of the half width Musical Fidelity stuff (X150 era) and he went with cheap then more expensive (about 50% of value of components) expensive (about same value) and finally about twice the price of the components! Now he didn’t tell me prices to begin with it was purely could I hear the difference and I have to say I could clearly hear all the way to the top - yes silly to be spending that much - and I didn’t but the difference was clearly there. He left some others behind to try and gave me a fortnight to try them. Eventually I made up my mind and spent about 50-60% the value of the components - yes still apparently silly money but when it came to upgrading the various parts of my system I’d already got a good set of cables which stood the test and didn’t get upgraded for quite some time after!


I made similar experience. With fairly few resources, the sound of the Uniti Atom can be significantly increased. I have also had good experiences with decoupling and Isolation Platform. If you want to have a look: Atom Upgrade



I sent you an invitation to connect in LinkedIn. This could be useful one day.

Thank you for sharing your passion.


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Finally replaced the old UnitiServe T2 with a Core/4T hard drive. My long suffering dealer (Harry) is now busy transferring all my music from the old to the new with the help of his tech savvy son.


I’d be dead without Sam

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I think you’ll really enjoy the Core once it’s set up. It’s a doodle to use and the sound quality is excellent. Be sure to know how to do the backups, and do them!


Love my Core - nice piece of equipment from our Naim friends

As you say Mike the SQ is very good


The cd drive in the server was starting to scare me, sometimes it’s took 5 or 6 attempts to rip CDs.

Is it better? Maybe😐


Audioquest Jitterbug FMJ. I’ve a few of the older version of these scattered about the systems and that I use twixt cans and the Macbook. Trying their latest Full Metal Jacket version that includes a rear closure. The original ones are fine, marginal gains more obvious when using headphones. I’m happy to have them plugged in and around and will try the FMJ in the Superuniti and stick another in the Innuos server.


That’s not a power strip. THIS is a power strip! :grin: Entreq Powerus grounded to Poseidon will be up against Chord Powerhaus S6 over easter holidays.

No, the boxes although beautiful will be hidden behind speaker and put into the rack. Easier to evaluate like this though.


Next step will be the Entreq Giant Supreme

But where hide it?


:rofl: The “Entreq Hero” is pretty neat but pretty pretty expensive too… I’m soon done. I hope. Where’s the 272 successor? Long way travelling for those components…

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As long as you don’t buy the Ansuz Mains8 DCT Supreme powerblock, 36 k, it will be reasonable.

555ps dr for 272 and very nice it is too.


NAC52 :slightly_smiling_face:

I need to sort the button labelling so that Input 1 is Phono. I’ve had a casual attempt but I’m concerned about damaging the button while getting the label off :thinking::scream: