What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Agree entirely NoNaim, they did wonders under my Facts and still are. ATB Peter

A pre-loved Linn Uphorik phono stage;

*Edit: Deal is cancelled. Seller said It was 5 years old but it didn’t have the Dynamik PSU. This couldn’t be right because all Uphorik’s have the Dynamik PSU fitted as standard since late 2011. Contacted Linn for more info and according to the serial they said it was manufactured and sold in March 2010! The Dynamik PSU upgrade isn’t available anymore because they don’t have any stock left.


The scenery is the real value. Wonderful!


Got myself new ATC SCM 11s to work with the Atom. They’re replacing the LS50s and now both the main and the small system are playing through ATCs (the main is with SCM 40p)


Put feet made for purpose under those speakers and you will get a great sound improvement :+1:


Super Luminas 5 to 5 pin DIN for nDAC > 282 and 4 pin DIN to XLR for 250DR > HCDR going in tomorrow


The power of the Atom is enough to drive the scm 11?

Absolutely. I’m extremely happy with the outcome! And the sound is very recognizable compared to the sound of SCM40s driven by SN3 in another system

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Tomorrow I will decide if I will keep the recently arrived for listening Supernait 3, it will replace the Denon PMA 2500NE.

They are very different in presentation and sound, Denon makes a huge image and has lots of ambient information, is a cleaner sound, bad recordings are realy bad and voices are ok, is an impressive amp but lacks refinement. On the other side, Naim has body all over the music, is addictive, not as clean, image is smaller, and has refinement to give.

If I keep the Denon I will miss the refinement, musicality and body of the Naim, if I keep the Supernait 3, I will miss the bigger image and ambient that the Denon gives, unfortunately I can not keep both.


From your description it sounds like the Supernait 3 is more fun. Keep that. Fun and engaging is always better long term than “better” sound/hifi


I agree, I also have the NDX 2 and they pair impressively. You defined perfectly the feeling, one sounds like hi-fi, the other is pure music.


I have the NDX2 bare now and I love it


Keep the one you enjoy the most :smiley: :notes: :musical_note:

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I wonder if anyone has mentioned swapping them both for a 252/250?

( runs and hides) :grinning:


That would sound rather nice……

Another option is to seek an alternative amp which combines the best of both worlds. The only problem is it’s usually costlier.

When you mentioned the Denon has a lot of ambient information in comparison to the Naim, I presume the Supernait 3 is less detailed than the Denon?

I Bo not think is less detailed, details on the Denon are more evident, and the biggest diference is the lateral image, the Denon expands the image well beyond the left and right speaker, the Naim makes the sound a little smaller. Is something that I noticed.

But the highs on the Denon and the sopra n1 can be to much.

Perhaps it’s just that the Denon drives better your speakers than the SN3 ?
With more efficient speakers the SN would maybe be better on all areas .

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Naim kit at this level, unlike some other brands, doesn’t major on separation & detailing, it’s more about the tautness which you get with live replay (the ‘PRaT’ aspects). It seems lower down the kit budget levels, these respective traits are almost mutually exclusive – hence why one is badged as ‘hi fi’, the other as ‘musicality’.

If you are finding the Denon + N1s as a tad bright at the top end, I would be careful as, to my ears, digital source replay can often be ‘toppy’, which can be fatiguing – perhaps a trait of the Focals too, as that Be tweeter has impressive high range capability, so system-matching comes in here.

Bottom line - do you want to listen to the music primarily (Naim?) or to your system (Denon?).


I already dicided by the Supernait, my account will not like it, but the ears will thank me from now on.