What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

I already use a spare Powerline-Lite (surplus to requirements) on my generic supply. I shan’t be going any further than that.

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If you can return it after a reasonable time then you’ve nothing to lose. I only mentioned downloads as a metaphor for music. That’s how I get my music, and unlike streaming the artists actually get some money, more than an absolutely minuscule amount anyway.


Yes there is a 30-day returns window on it. Thought i’d give it a go. My NAS is now falling behind, which is why i thought i’d do something about it, this never used to be the case of course. The Vodkas have rather exposed it i feel…the router, Tidal and Paradise Radio sound glorious by comparison. My finger points towards it’s cheap and noisy generic supply, it’s the only one i haven’t upgraded.

Think about this too much and its another rabbit hole. PSU would also be needed for every switch and the router too? I have a " spare" ifi power supply in the loft from a previous good idea.

No. I’m happy with the EE 8Switch as is. The key being here is to not over-think things. All of the other stuff already sounds lovely. It’s my NAS that’s now falling behind…

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I found the EE8 benefitted from the Silent Angel Linear PS. The cheaper iFi didn’t work at all, introducing an edgy character to the presentation.


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I use only the supply that came with the EE. Yes my NAS now has a ‘slightly’ edgy character. I know it’s that because everything else sounds wonderful. If nothing improves with the new supply then i shall chop in my NAS and get a Core with a SSD instead.

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Indeed. Get rid of the noisy fan and whirring HDDs :slightly_smiling_face:

…plus it’ll look rather suave on it’s new dedicated full fat Fraim shelf with a Vodka :grin:

It won’t sound any better though. I’d gently suggest that you are not going down a rabbit hole, but a rather a full blown badger sett.

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A little something to fatten up my bottom.


I’ve just looked this up. According to the manufacturers it’s not just military grade, but radar grade. It’s the first time I’ve heard that term, what a load of bollocks! I don’t doubt it makes a difference, but radar grade, really.


I didn’t realise Eric Clapton and John Mayall possessed such abilities.

More a Queen thing I guess, it was for scale :grin:

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Yes i think you’re correct. Thanks. I’ve just done a NAS re-boot as I thought it a bit odd to sound so different (worse) than streaming direct from the router with Tidal. It has completely sorted itself out. Now everything is normal again.! For the life of me I haven’t a clue how this is so, but it has saved me a whole bunch of cash! Gremlins in the NAS maybe?:man_shrugging:

P.S I’m still going ahead with iFi Elite PSU though. I’m even more curious now…

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“A radar power supply charges a pulse network in a sequence of high frequency charging pulses . Transformation, providing isolation and voltage boost between the primary power source and the pulse network, performed at high frequency, minimizes transformer size and weight.“

Possibly this?



I decided to keep both the Naim Supernait and the Denon amp, they have diferent sound signatures that I like, they have less than 12 months I did not want them to go, at least for now.


A good decision I think. No need to overthink these things and you might want a second system one day.

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So you added the Vodka full loom and now your NAS sounds edgy? Hmmmm

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