What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

May I suggest Graham Slee for the phono box ?

You won’t get a MM/MC , but a dedicated MM . I think they sound very good.

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The pb s2 is just to get me up and running. It’s used so cheap. The plan is to replace the DV cartridge on my lp12 next year and that will still have a good few hours on it so will move to the Project. When I do that I’ll be looking at a used P75 or indeed a Graham Slee (Love the way they look).

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Graham Slee offer a free trial of his products. If you sign up to his forum, they will loan you a stage to evaluate.
I did it with a headphone amp, brilliant service.

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Luckily the new supply has made such a good impact on my router that moving it anywhere else now seems superfluous.

Ordered 22 days ago, build completed yesterday and delivered today.

Unpacking the heavy SCM7s is a lovely thing to do. However, the matching wood is simply beautiful.


Picked up a NAT05XS to try out. Very difficult to find one of these here in North America. A bit of a different beast to the NAT05 which is now surplus.


Our 555PSDR arrived at the dealer’s unexpectedly and so is getting delivered today along with our rack.

We are now SOOOOOOOOOO close to having this upgrade done!


It must also have something good when @anon4489532 sells his Rega. Thank you very much for the great handling @anon4489532. I’m looking forward to hearing now.

RCA - DIN Naim for connection GoldNote PH10 to the Nova.


That’s a very good cable and great value too. It’s such a drag posting things from the U.K. to Europe, so I brought it with me to France, posted it in Dijon on Thursday and it arrives in Germany two days later. Delightfully easy, just like it was in the good old days.


Yes Slamdam, they are still developed and manufactured in Trollhättan, Sweden.


Well, I ordered the Lyra Atlas Lambda SL cartridge. It will take a few months for it to be built and delivered. Now I have to determine if the 453R Z-Foil Airplug is optimal for the Lyra or if I should get it changed.

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Beware the 576R Z-Foil Airplug with Lyra cartridges…

I don’t know what to make of that statement. I don’t have one. Are you trying to tell me that’s what I should have for it?

And since I’m in St. Louis I have to know which Blues you are a fan of. Our hockey team or our music heritage? :slight_smile:

Oh, the music heritage every time.

The 453R is perfect for DV cartridges. The 576R may be the perfect match for Lyra.

Best regards, BF

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OK, thanks. I got my Airplug from @Cymbiosis so I sent Peter an email to ask abut it, although I don’t know how I would be able to compare with both in hand. That’s a bit more difficult here in the states.


Blockquote Well, I ordered the Lyra Atlas Lambda SL cartridge. It will take a few months for it to be built and delivered. Now I have to determine if the 453R Z-Foil Airplug is optimal for the Lyra or if I should get it changed.> Blockquote

You may wish to try the 470R and if you find it better then the original K loading @ 560R could be worth trying.
I would have thought the dealer supplying the Atlas with that huge sale could find it in him/herself order a couple of loads from Naim for you to try?
Originally, when I tested lots of loads many years ago and the Z-foil upgrades I used LP12s. Results can differ with other TTs I have observed from other members comments here.



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A gadget I bought for other reasons but then found out it can be useful with Roon! It makes a difference for me while I am working as I no longer must open Roon to control music playback on my desktop PC… love this little gem.


Thanks Peter. I’ll ask my Naim dealer to get me a 470R and 560R from Naim for me to try. They don’t sell Lyra so I didn’t get it from them. They have sold me Dynavector and Clearaudio carts in the past and gave me good support. Also, I’m using this on a Clearaudio Ovation with a Universal arm, not a LP12.

The situation for Naim customers here in the U.S. is different, at least where I am. There just isn’t the Naim market to support the kind of dealer you and others are in the UK. Maybe in NYC, L.A., Chicago and large markets like those, but not so much where I am. Sad but true. My dealer does the best they can. When I bought my Superline from them two years ago getting a unit to demo was painful, and not the dealer’s fault.

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Ordinarily ordering product should be no problem. Arranging loan units through distributor may well be different but if the dealer is selling a unit like a Superline it would be reasonable for them to commit to a demo unit in my opinion and this is what we do here in the UK.
Yes given the turntable you are using I think it is wise to try both loads. At the end of the day it is a minuscule amount of investment as compared to the cartridge you are buying.
On a subsidiary note I hope you were able to demonstrate the Atlas before committing your hard earned funds.
Regards, Peter

Like I said we don’t have the Naim dealers here you all enjoy in the UK. They don’t keep a demo unit for Superlines because they don’t sell here. My Naim dealer does more of the lifestyle products (Mu-so, Uniti, etc) than anything else. I think I’m the only customer that’s ever bought one from them, and I think I heard that only a small handful are sold in all of N.A. I watched the secondhand market for quite some time and none ever showed up…until I bought one at retail LOL.

Anyway, thanks for the responses. I will get myself sorted with some load plugs to try when the Lyra arrives.

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