What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

I’ve just ordered a pair of Atc Scm40a’s. I’m initially planning on using these with a 32.5/hc. :grinning: As i need a 7 m length, I’m going to follow SiS’s lead and use a rca-xlr transformer, I think i have a flashback din to rca somewhere? will have to search in various storage spaces. (Are theses directional i.e din to amp or source?) Otherwise i was thinking of asking Mark Grant if he could make a suitable cable, as i’m planning on using his balanced interconnects.

I know theses speakers are quite popular here so was wondering if anyone use any “fancy” mains cables with their 40a’s.


I use the standard mains cable that came with SCM40a’s and some Mark Grant interconnects. Tried numerous different XLR interconnects all the way up to some Chord Epics. Thought the more expensive ones sounded better, until my wife started swapping cables with me blindfolded and then I realised I couldn’t tell them apart from one another. The mind can play terrible tricks on you :slight_smile:

I’ve considered trying some more exotic power cables, but logically I can’t see why they should make any difference, so haven’t had the resolve to bother trying.

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Hi Oxbow, thanks for the reply. I also currently have a 3m pair of Mark Grant’s balanced cable that i use from my amp to the headphone amp. Given the cost, I’m very impressed with it so will definitely be buying a longer length. I’ve had some good experiences with mains cables so once i’m used to the speakers i may well have a tinker with some alternatives. I’m leaning towards Puritan’s cables as again they are reasonably priced and i can try before i buy.

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Enjoy the SCM40a’s - I’ve had mine for just over a year and I’m still infatuated with them.

I’d be interested to hear how you get on with trying different power cables, so please post back once you’ve experimented.

Looking forward to getting them, I was going to buy them in 2020 but had a bad demo ( this was carried out standing up in the front of the shop) and i was going to try them again but then lockdown happened and it all fell by the wayside. It’s a 6-8 week wait, hope that goes quickly.


These turned up today -

I’ve been meaning to replace a very old trailing ‘woolworths’ power block that sits behind my office shelving unit and powers my Roon Nucleus and Network switch. RA was offering 20% off both the Powerbar and Yello mains cable, so I placed an order (damn you Connected magazine !). I’m sure they will make no discernible difference to the end result, but I’m happier that there is now a better quality solution in place :roll_eyes:

A laser measure, on recommendation from @DiggyGun , so I can measure my room dimensions accurately and have a play with Linn’s Space Optimisation configurator.


Same power bar here. Same rationale for buying it :slight_smile:


I’ve gone in too James - i couldn’t resist neither.:rofl::flushed:


My newly delivered Ekornes Stressless Mayfair chair and footstool for my room.

My old chair and footstool were not very comfortable, and rather too large for the room.


Only heard good things about these, unfortunately don’t see them out my neck of the woods. Enjoy it!

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I too have a similar Stressless chair and can attest to their comfort. I wonder about the high back and whether that has an effect in SQ though. Any thoughts?

My room is probably going to be the dominant factor compared to the chair, but the Mayfair is no higher than the chair it replaced.

To be honest, the apparent vogue for low back chairs/settees I find a triumph(?) of form over function and utterly uncomfortable.

The effort of sitting upright in a chair whose backrest is across the middle of my back would prevent me listening to music for very long at all. You need to be comfortable in your environment, otherwise you might as well be at a hifi show.


Small piece of equipment but so happy with it.
Brand new Naim NAPSC.


I think I’m finally off the Naim upgrade train (at least for the foreseeable future :wink: ) . Upgrading the 250DR to 300DR & before anyone comments, no the Hifi won’t be sitting on that tv stand, it will find a place on the double stack of Fraim.


Witch Hat Phantom are out.
Oephi Ascendance are in :fire:


What are the differences between the Whitchhat Phantom and Oephi Ascendance? Is the difference between the two cables subtle or significant?

Significant difference in my system. Phantom is in my system bit to woolly. Bit to shut in.Bit like a dull knife. Enter Ascendance and the music totally opens up. Tones have better timing, more sharpness, more reality, more 3D, very neutral/natural tone with huge amount of PRAT (or rhythm you might as well call it). Never sounding anything near to harsh etc (I’m super sensitive to such). Huge bandwidth from the deepest bass to the highest treble. Really recommended and they do offer a 30 day money back trial. They are about to launch speakers and amps too.


Hi , I use Audioquest monsoon mains cables into my Active 40’s , they are connected to a AQ Niagara 3000 which works very well indeed . The Dealer I bought my ATC’s from recommended Siltech 270 P mains cables to me recently when I was having a demo of Active 50’s .

Also a big thumbs up for Mark Grant , very well made and reasonably priced cables .

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Hi Pete, thanks for the reply. I shall investigate the audioquest. Luckily, my usual dealer carries them so should be able to have a listen and a home demo.