What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

That’s really nice. I’ve always liked the retro looks of that amplifier though never heard it, but it’s supposedly excellent.

It is!

Nice cable. I liked the look of your streaming set up and have had a switch itch (unintended poetry) with LPSU for sometime so have just ordered to demo N8 and F1 with isolation pucks so I can stack ‘em. Was stock DC cable a bit meh? Thanks

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Added a HiCap DR to my SN3. Well worth addition, but it needed at least a mont of burn-in to start hearing a serious benefit. It was a nerve racking month so beware. Now it’s a pure joy.


A new sofa. Actually a second hand one. Replacing a small single armchair.

Which might not sound like much. But the room my HiFi is in is very reflective, and it seems to have made a rather pleasant improvement! I shall break out REW and the umik to repeat a measurement I took before, hopefully the difference is not just my imagination X)


Titan Audio Helios Mainsblock.

Second hand Naim Hi-Line. Think it’ll be staying. Nice.


Nap 500, it’s everything i expected and more☺️


A few bits to play with.


Foolishly I thought the 42 with the cover off wasn’t working. Looked and couldn’t see anything amiss and then realised I was using without a Hicap, and without a 5 pin plug in the hole. DOH :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


This pre loved beauty arrived today. No more upgrades for me.

(Said in hope rather than expectation). :wink:


You’re in for a lot of fun, well done :sunglasses:

Thanks Mike. Don’t want to turn this into a 252 thread, but its sounding absolutely sublime, already run in of course being pre loved. More revealing than the 282 but also more controlled, especially in the lower registers.


The key to the 252 is system matching. With your set-up it should be wonderful.

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Most of us have been caught with that one!

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Had the opportunity to order the NAP500 DR last November to complete my ‘500 system’ and replace my NAP300 DR (prior to the December 2021 price increases) and following lengthy manufacturing delays, it was finally installed on the 5th August 2022.
Incredible, with tremendous improvements in all aspects of the performance of my system and with great ease. Musical enjoyment is now on a level which for years I could only dream about, well worth the wait!


Are those Dynaudio Contour 30’s🤔

as per Profile … yes

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They are indeed, QuickSticks. I’ve had them since October 2017 and Dynaudio later supplied the FOC retrospective upgrade to the re-designed feet for existing owners (and those new feet really do make a difference!)

They look fantastic and I’m sure they sound amazing too.
I have just bought a pair of Evoke 50’s and am waiting for them to be delivered.
Massively EXCITED :laughing: