What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

They do! but I just wish Dynaudio had made them available in a natural light oak finish or something similar.
Good luck with your new speakers, I’m quite sure that you are going to love them.

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Thank you, having mine in White😊

Is there room for that second 555PSDR on the ND555?

Highly recommended.


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Isoacoustics Gaias work well with the Contours, if ever you are tempted. Can vouch for the 60s and the 30s should similarly benefit.

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I’m sure it would elevate my system even further Graeme but it would then mean having to use two racks, also, I’ve got to draw a line somewhere from a financial point of view.

I already feel greatly privileged to be where I am now.


Yes, that Graeme is a very naughty boy!


I finally decided on the speakers for my downsized retirement system. I’ve considered my old SBL:s, my even older pair of Rogers LS3/5a, Proac DB1 and LS5/9. Even ATC actives.

But went with the Dynaudio Heritage Specials with Stand 20. I am not sure the olive 135s are the optimal amp, the “naim sound” is a bit obvious with the HS. But I am going to go with them for a while.


Gorgeous. Both to listen to and to look at. :ok_hand:

Just got a Rega Ania for my Rp6, sounds incredible.

Feels a perfect match for the Aria phono stage.


Ok, need to dust turntable, these phones show everything up.

Well this arrived today just over a month since ordering, but also sent back today.

I noticed the build date was back in May, and when I questioned this, I was informed it was a returned item as a result of their 30 day return policy. I really didn’t like the idea of paying £450 new price for an effectively second hand item, albeit fully tested. Perhaps it’s just me being overly fussy. Anyway they are sorting out a new replacement.


Ah! That has always been a mystery to me. What do they do with all the cables that are returned within 30 days. I assumed they junked them… silly me.

I’d wondered the same, as you never see them cheap. Ideally they should have a refurbished option, but they did say it’s rare that they get any returned.

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It’s a blooming cheek and you did the right thing.

Wondered the same. I get that some may not like them, but what happens to them?
There should be a market for " previously tried" Just not full price.

Thankfully the build date is written on the box, so at least you can check

If the cable is fine, then I would make a deal with them and negotiate a discount


I don’t know if that would have been an option, but was juggling grand twins at the time, and as my wife said, realistically it would always be at the back of my mind that this is a second hand cable that someone rejected for SQ reasons (presumably). She knows me well.

So wasn’t really up for a fight, but wanted to at least notify the Forum to be aware in case it matters to them

I think that was mine - sorry. I ordered it when using Hicap (not aux2 on my 52) to power a Superline. I realised my error and cancelled, but they sent it anyway, so I returned it unopened. It’s your call whether you think of it as unethical or shady.


Didn’t really buy anything, just had 202/napsc/ flatcap 2x rebuilt. Forgot I did buy snaic 5 and have snaic 4 and it cryo treated.
Chris at av options did an awesome job and it’s sounding incredibly!!