What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Meitner MA3 DAC Pre . Wonderful synergy with Active ATC and sounding wonderful from the off . This is the first Ed Meitner product I’ve heard and it certainly lives up to his name . The stand it’s sitting on is temporary while I’m changing a few things around .


I use a NAS for local streaming, Wireless.

Yes, but you mention a desire for a hard drive above to minimise extraneous sound pollution.

Small upgrade just being ordered - Tellurium Black 2 speaker cables, Isoacoustics Gaia III, Audioquest NRG-Y3 mains power cable, Tacima power conditioner (for tv, light, Apple TV, and other peripheral :slight_smile: ). Can’t wait to test it all )

P.S. always wondering what is the best way to run A/B test - all at once or piece by piece? What can you guys advise here? :slight_smile:

Well… if you want to know what-does-what, It’s pretty obvious. Piece by piece. A good test of patience too. :upside_down_face:

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Thomas, you’re using the DAC with volume control without a pre-amp?

I use the DAC’s preamp and volume control.

It was designed to be directly connected to the Soulution’s power amps. It has a tremendous output gain.

Check page 7 of Soulution’s brochure
(copy/past the link below to your browser address bar):

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they build really beautiful gear- very good design language!

Yes, the 760 is really a very special product.

The sound produced by the Soulution 760 and Soulution 711 is truly addictive.

In fact, I’m hooked! I haven’t had speakers for over a month now :smiling_face_with_tear:

I don’t remember who in the forum wrote that Soulution is “analytical”. Well, it couldn’t be further from the truth.

I don’t know anything about vinyl, but it seems that the sound produced by the 760 is very close to vinyl but with a higher dynamic range. So very far from an analytical sound.

If I had to describe its sound I would say natural. In the sense that nothing particularly stands out. There is more detail than on my old ND555/2x555DR, but at the same time it sounds like there is less, if I may say so.

Nonetheless, there is one noticeable difference that sets Soulution apart from the competition. The 760/711 set gives an extremely layered and airy sound. You can hear the recording room (church, concert hall, closed place, etc.) beautifully. And this adds to the illusion of “reality”.


:+1: :+1:

Naim NAP140. Trying it right now, in place of my 250DR.


I bet that sounds really special Thomas. It looks just great!

@Stilts I will be very interested in your trial of the Lumin U2 mini. We’ve nearly decided to go for ND5-XS2 into the nDAC (especially if a good used option appears) but are open to all options at around the same budget. Lumin U1 mini with a TP PS upgrade looked very interesting and the device is feature rich. We’re only using the digital output after all.

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252 which has replaced the 282 :grinning:

The manual says: “for the best performance the Burndy and 5 pin DiN cables should be run as close together as possible” -is it really like that ?


It is. Why would the manual make it up?


You won’t be able to actually hear any difference, whether they’re together or apart. I wouldn’t worry about it too much…


Perhaps not…

The best what I could do behind the rack


I shall let you know…

Try do destress the burndy. Maybe it will after not touch the wall.

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Yes, probably I have to make some more space between the wall and rack.

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