What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Give it a few beers, that aways works for me


10mm looks like it would do it.

And a few beers :laughing:


ā€¦or little bit of Havana Club :rofl:


That actually makes a difference.
The cables should run close together but not touching each other.

There are several ways to do that.

Here is how I did it :

This is the 552DR, not the 252. Both are very sensible to cable dressing.


Are those speaker cables an April Fool? Youā€™ll be telling us they sound better than if they were straight next. :grinning:

It could be indeed :joy:

But itā€™s not :disguised_face:

Check the cables :wink:


It looks quite impressive with that foam-thing in between

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Aaaaah - a clever optical illusion!

Very fine choice that is

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@Thomas I have been told by 2 of the UKā€™s leading Naim dealers to make sure the cables touch at some point on the 552. I have bought 2 so had the chat twice. First dealer said wind the Snaic loosely around the Burndy and second said run super close but make sure they touch at some point. I managed to get them to separate as I wondered if this was really correct after being told the first time. The sound changes to a more HiFi sound with them not touching. I went back to touching as I did not like the result.


Thatā€™s interesting, I didnā€™t know that. I have arranged the cables according to the information gathered on the forum.

I guess I would have had to adapt my little DIY.

But I donā€™t have to worry about that anymore.

My new system is much simpler. And probably less sensitive to these things.

I went from 7 boxes to 3 boxes!

I could even have had only 2 boxes. The fact that I use Roon led me to buy the Taiko Extreme.


@Thomas weirdly I believe its only relevant for the 252 & 552. They are the only Preā€™s in Classic that use both a Burndy and Snaic though.

Your new system looks very interesting. I await your full reports when everything is done!

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Hi Steve, itā€™s the same for a 282 when used with dual SNAICs and a Supercap. In all cases, both cables are carrying signal ground between the PS and Pre. To minimise induced noise (as youā€™ve effectively got a ground loop) you need to minimise the loop area and achieve this by running both cables close together. No need for them to touch.


@james_n I found the Snaic to be longer than the Burndy so short of using the solution @Thomas chose maybe when I tested it separated it was too far apartā€¦ it certainly went HiFi and less enjoyable to my ears. Thanks for clarifying why thats the case, its always good to refresh on these things.


Maybe a special edition for yesterday? :wink:

I suggest you close the curtains before you massage your burndy. The neighbours might think you lost itā€¦ :joy:


So the 760 can also stream?

Not here, you have to buy a streaming module as an option. The Taiko server will stream.

Ah, I see. So the module does not support Roon I assume. The Taiko looks like a superb solution to this! Looking forward to finding out what @Thomas makes of it

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There is no module to add.

The Soulution 760 can stream from UPnP servers out of the box.
Unfortunately it does not include the RAAT protocol.