What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

There is no additional module, but that’s exactly it.

I needed to find a decent Roon endpoint to pair with the 760 DAC. Unfortunately, there is no such thing. So I opted for the Taiko Extreme, which is both a server and a Roon endpoint.

My listening room will only be completed in a few weeks.

The Taiko Extreme and the Magico M2’s are about to arrive. But I hope the speakers won’t arrive too soon.

I’m expecting 600kg of various stuff and 15 cubic meters of insulation (Caruso Iso Bond). There will be no room for the speakers as they come in rather large boxes.


Radikal2 Upgrade and Krystal. Picking up this afternoon


Thomas very interesting journey, do keep us updated till the point where you have complete listening experiences and how they compare to your old system.


Loosely twisting two insulated conductors is a method for cancelling out some common mode noise.

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The Neat Petite 30 Anniversary model in piano black

Beautiful wide soundstage


Wow! :grin::+1:

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What are you running these on @Bevo?

Very impressed with these Stephen

Only 100 made for world wide distribution - the 5th reiteration of the petites over 30 years, although stopped making the last model
In 2016. This is a redesign

The first speaker Neat manufactured 30 years ago, not a bad innings as they say


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Running on the SN3 and Hicap DR

Quite efficient and suit above combo a little better than the Neat Ministra’s which I still have, they need maybe a bit more grunt perhaps ,so we shall see in due course

The Petites require 300 hours run in but so far I really like


They are quite like the nSATs on steroids :grinning:

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Somehow, I’d overlooked this on my 252. I had the DIN looped to keep it clear of other cables. I’ve just un-looped it and run it close to the Burndy. Seems to sound more cohesive - probably expectation bias……

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Very nice indeed Bevo. If i wasn’t tied up with my current n-SAT speaker system i would’ve taken a punt on a pair for sure. I just love small production runs like that, especially on a classic model. Really special ownership. Enjoy them and please do keep us informed on how they settle in. :slightly_smiling_face:

Will do Stephen

I’m pretty sure though your nSats with the nSub will sound excellent for you and will certainly have a deeper bass than the neats

All speakers have their pros and cons

Funny thing is Bevo i’m currently sat here listening to BBC Radio 2 and thinking do i really need more bass? Really? Do i? It’s as if the n-SATs know there’s an n-SUB on it’s way…:flushed:

Ha ha I know where you’re coming from

I have the same thoughts quite often

Bass is less important to me it’s the highs and mids that do it for me Stephen


The n-Sub should add more than deep bass. The bass will be more articulate and as it releases the n-Sats of deep bass duties, there should be more air in the presentation.

But you will need to experiment with the position and settings on the n- Sub. In fact you should not be able to distinctly hear the bass when properly integrated. It should sound deeper yes, but the bass should be entirely integrated.

Good luck.

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Yes that’s exactly what i’m hoping for Nigel. If not by ear then with the aid of some measuring device and clever software that Xanthe kindly suggested that i use. Thanks.


Nigel is spot on re nSub - once set up correctly it’s almost as if it’s not there, the bass is beautifully integrated to give an overall balanced sound

When is it arriving ?

Hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday.

Hi Mike,

I see that you have the same power amp as me. Did you already try NAP300Dr with the 252 configuration ?