What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Bit late to the party.

Just added Gaia II isolation feet to my speakers and the Music Works G3 with peek base mains block (ex demo).

I am sure I am not imagining the vast improvement these two additions are making.

Read up on the past threads before making the plunge and hearing all the benefits.


Well, thatā€™s a few days trialling the G3 with the sparkly undercarriage, ( :flushed: ), and I canā€™t really nail down exactly what itā€™s doing, other than to say that instruments sound more ā€œrealā€, if that makes any sense.

So, only a couple of years late to the party, Iā€™m happy to announce that it will be remaining, Chez Dave. ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ oh, and @Gazza, Iā€™ve cancelled the Muso order!


Yes it is difficult to put a finger on the effect of the G3 sparkly bottom, but i liked it too. Good to know those ears are OK, they take a bashingšŸ˜‰


No I havenā€™t tried the 300 with the 252. Iā€™m quite settled on the 252/250 configuration for my room and speakers and really want to stay at 5 boxes on a single Fraim. Though it would be nice to try one out as a comparison.

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The nSub doesnā€™t release the nSats from anything - they work just as the did before. The sub simply fills in below whatever frequency you set. The key seems to be to set the sub at the lowest crossover frequency you can get away with. Low bass isnā€™t directional so the lower you have it the easier it is to integrate, or thatā€™s what I found anyway. When I had mine it was on the back wall to the left of the sofa; youā€™d never have known that the bass wasnā€™t coming from the main speakers. When you get it integrated it works so well.


Of course, it was a figure of speech. A sub just fills in lower bass but it is as if it frees the stand mounts to focus on what they are good at.

My point is that you get more than deep bass from a well integrated sub.

Good to hear Dave, what IEC are you using with the G3?

Hi Steve,

Iā€™m using a full fat Powerline from one half of an unswitched wall socket, the other half of which has my power amp plugged in.

Hard to describe the uplift over the Reflex Lite which I was using, other than that instruments, drum kits in particular, sound more ā€œbelievableā€ :man_shrugging:


Can you remember introducing the lite into your system? Did that bring any gains?

Yes, the Lite was a considerable step up from the Music Line Powerigel which preceded it, probably more so than from the Lite to the G3.

I was perfectly happy with the Lite, and since itā€™s taken me a couple of years to get round to trying the G3, that tells you something.

But the G3 has just pushed things on that wee bit further, so Iā€™m happy for it to stay.


Entreq Olympus Infinity RG45 ethernet cable connected to my Olympus Ten ground box used between switch and streamer. Great upgrade :ok_hand: Miles ahead of my prior cables such as Chord c-stream, Shunyata venom, BJC, Chord shawline etc.


s-l500 copy

A Naim Lavenderā€¦ :slightly_smiling_face:

Possibly my cheapest ever Naim purchaseā€¦??


Before buying the G3, I tried both it and the Lite. I compared both to plugging two items directly in to the wall socket. The G3 made a very worthwhile improvement, whereas the Lite made no difference whatsoever.


Hi Thomas,

What kind of foam did you use to isolate your cables ?

I bought this Chord Shawline to use between my 272a and my 250DR. A very good upgrade I have to say!


These are pieces of foam cut from pipe insulation. You can find these in any DIY shop.

Itā€™s pretty effective.

Iā€™m not in favour of leaving the cables hanging.

When the cables hang freely, they are subject to a constant force due to their mass: gravity.

We often forget about that one! :wink:

So I found a solution to reduce the stress on the connectors due to gravity. In particular for the SNAICs and SuperLumina Interconnects.


A new to me, recent 252 (upgraded from a 282), so far rather happy with the upgrade, now to keep my eye open for the matching 300DR


Last week I have done the same upgrade as yours. What power amp you have now?


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Currently running a 250DR

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Good as the 250DR is, youā€™ll love what the 300DR does. A fairly mouth-open moment when I did the switch.