What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Crikey - that’s a lot of wine. Expensive hobby this hifi thing !

Second handed so far away from that. Would never purchase new at that price of course. Also ordered Powerhaus S6 to the battle.

You certainly can’t go wrong with Hot Rats!

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That’s interesting as they in a similar price range (I think).

Have you compared these ground boxes and cables to getting separate streamer, DAC and pre?

I have a separate streamer in Lumin U1 mini which was a great update to the built in streamer in my 272. The ground boxes including ethernet and BNC cables from the same manufacturer improve sound in that they add a wonderful natural and effortless way playing music with less fatigue. Less digital glare, more inky blacks, more closeness etc. I was surprised really in how these things added to my system. I was as many others that haven’t tried it out bit sceptical at first but I’m glad curiosity killed skepticism.

The Powerus Apollo is not a ground box. It’s a star grounded configuration with each outlet fed from one point using their 20 years knowhow in grounding and converting interference to heat (Sort of as Chord Array, Anzus, Nordost does it) with a hardwired power cable using high grade Furutech wall sockets and plugs. No magnetic materials. You can also connect it to one of their ground boxes for increased performance which I will.

Also, I’m waiting for the 272 successor. Fingers crossed it’s out this year and that it accepts my 555PSDR :pray:

My system sits on a Soundstyle tripod rack and I have also tried the DIY shelf (a la Fraim) approach with mixed results.
I cut 4 pieces of 12mm MDF to match the size of the glass Soundstyle shelves, painstakingly sprayed them black and drilled and fitted them with M6 cap nuts (three per sheet). Small self-adhesive felt pads were fixed to the underside of the glass corresponding with the cap nuts to provide a little resistance to any lateral movement.
This method improved the sound when supporting the LP12 and the Arcam CD player, but the 72/HiCap/250 definitely preferred the glass shelves alone. With the MDF under the glass in the sandwich, all the system’s “get up and go” got up and went.

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I’m in :heart:


Yes I know what you mean - I remember when I switched from this…

a soundstyle rack to this…

All the life and PRaT was just sucked out…

Don’t get me wrong I like what I’ve got now but I’ve had to make so many changes to get back to the slam and power I originally had.

B4 all this in my old cottage, I was used to this believe it or not - only thing left from this system is the gyro se - thanks mainly to her indoors who didn’t like the old stand and my Daleks!

sorry about the quality of the rather old pics - very old mobile phone!

So it makes so much difference what each different item is placed on and my advice to anyone starting out is forget the equipment find your furniture/stand first then add the equipment!

But the urge to tweak - to try and get just that little bit more…

I hear that the ISO acoustics Zazen works well under a turntable … now let me see just where is my little bit of plastic hiding?..


New turntable by chance?
Beautiful isn’t it???

Phew, at least Quicksilver escaped that cat!

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Now I’ve got it set up …yes.
I’d like a quiet chat with whoever wrote the instructions.

It was a post pussy cat purchase.
The damage was done many years ago.
He was particularly fond of my zeppelin and Floyd and my Moving Pictures was savaged.
Fortunately the vinyl is ok and only suffering the slight mistreatment of my teenage years

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Glad you kept the Gyro.
I don’t think I’ll ever part with my Sondek, but I’ve always had a hankering for a Gyro if I’m honest. Bigger house needed first though I think.

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I still remember seeing one for the first time - it was the full blown version with full plinth - I’m sure I saw it wink at me and say “Yes you want me don’t you :wink:” And that was it - the fact it sounds rather good is just a bonus!

I think she’s in need of a little TLC and a fettle - oh! and a new stylus (my 2M Black is around 12 years old!) - will prob put a Black LVB in as soon as poss. now the rest of the system is basically sorted.

But I do love the fact that with a Sondek there are so many ways & choices you can make and keep upgrading. That’s real product longevity!


Since I haven’t had a HiFi for almost two months and it’s going to last for another month, I bought myself a second skateboard. I had one for street, this one will be for half pipe.

I’m not that far from being 50. Instead of buying a GT3 I’m buying not one but two skateboards!

Here is the first one who is waiting for his buddy :wink:


Okki Nokki
Great fun. May get repetitive. Still beats Saturday night TV.


5 meters for my Roon server.


Ha!.. ‘old skater’ here too.
I ended up in an argument with my wife when I was looking to buy a long board again. “You’re over 50. It’ll be like you nicked it from your son and you’ll look like a complete moron. Sad really”.
Hmm… I’m still kinda digesting that one… :thinking: :grinning:


You don’t see a lot of Dali on the forum. Maybe three users. They make very decor friendly speakers. And almost no one driving with Naim.