What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

True - passengers were never much of a concern back then

You canā€™t take (it) them with you :wink:

You have a lot of free time too, I supposeā€¦lucky you!!

This is true. But I also know how to optimise my days.

Even with a child, I manage to find time to climb and do what I want/need.

When I have one or two hours to spare, I go to the gym or the climbing gym. And if sheā€™s not with my wife, my daughter goes with me everywhere except to the mountains.

Even when Iā€™m on the Naim forum, I donā€™t waste my time. Itā€™s because Iā€™m in front of my computer and Iā€™m working.


Just bought 4m witch hat phantom cables to replace 3m qed xt25 ones, since I realised the qed probably wasnā€™t naim recommended spec I have been concerned it might cause my atom to overheat. And have realised the way I want my cables set up needs more length, Iā€™ve picked 4m as I donā€™t want to restrict future placement (I figure its better to have slightly too much than to realise later I need more)

In a stroke of good luck I discovered from peoples previous forum posts that witch hat tend to have a sale at Easter. This has now started, anyone who ordered recently may want to see if they can get the refund retroactively applied. Now to start my wait wonder when in the 4-6 week window mine will be.

This will be my last purchase of the year unless someone goes mad and starts practically giving away their old stuff lol.

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Youā€™ll hear it. Just saying :roll_eyes:

Wonā€™t know if I donā€™t try it.
When I packed the SC2 away a while ago, the IC went AWOL. Hence the Morgana. Iā€™ve never directly compared a lavender/grey Naim IC to WHM - until in a few daysā€™ time.

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Witchhat phantom jumpers in the Easter sale, now complete witchhat loom.


Actually bought 6 months ago, but arrived today - NAP 300DR.




I provide ā€œrunning-inā€ services. It takes two years :slight_smile:

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Iā€™ll push through the pain.



Hi Steve,

Just sold my Reflex Lite over on the Fishy place, and the new owner is in agreement with you ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ mind you, I replaced it with a sparkly bottom G3 ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ just sayinā€™. :flushed: :thinking: :rofl:


Latest in rodent-based speaker dampening and signal conditioning. Still canā€™t get the tail position optimised for best bass extension yet.


Excellent !! Tout dƩpend aussi de la qualitƩ de la laine du pull over !!

Excellent !! It also depends on the quality of the wool of the sweater !!

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I saw your sale a day after I bought one off the bay. :roll_eyes:

Donā€™t start suggesting the uplift in performance going up to the G3 is equally as big!! :see_no_evil:


Will be interested in how you get on with the mains cable, as i had one for a few months on my 552dr

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Just ordered 4m pair of Witch Hat Phantom speaker cable to sit between my Supernait 2 and ProAc Tab 10 Sigā€™s. Iā€™ll compare this to the incumbent NACA5.


I was initially going to try on a plixir psu feeding an etherregen switch or my innuos Phoenix switch, but could try on a 500 component?

I found it took around 3 weeks to settle down on my 552, at first it made it all quite shouty and not very nice ag all, but it settled down, but i preferred my powerline on my 552dr over it, but they did sound very closecin the end.
I believe witchhat, came to the conclusion that with the 552 being quite different to the other naim pre amps, it wasnā€™t giving the gains they hoped it would show.
I didnā€™t try it on anything else as the obe i had to demo wasnā€™t that long and couldnā€™t reach my rossini, clock or the 500.

But as said will be interesting to hear how you get on with it and as i said give it time to settle in before you judge it

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Hope your work is as exciting as your extracurricular life :grin:

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