What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

I paid 430 euros with shipping. May receive however another bill , when received, from FedEx , for the custom taxes. It will probably be around 40 euros.
I don’t see any better machine in the market for that price. I also think it will do a better job than something like Project RCM, costlier. My feeling.


NJC Audio , a cracking little company, very much under the radar……. They certainly deserve to be better known. Would definitely recommend them to others. No commercial links of course (but photo of the back of the unit would enable people to find them) :slightly_smiling_face:

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Had an Okki Nokki few years back but got tired of the process. Please feedback on your findings when evaluated :+1:

There’s already a thread on HumminGuru running. I will of course make a feedback.
What bothers me with RCM is that the fluid used can’t be completely removed. In the ultrasonic you use only distilled water.

Having back in the day been stood on the tarmac at RAF Gutersloh with a squadron of Harriers taking off I can quite honestly say that nothing on God’s earth sounds quite that bad.

What cleaning liquid does it use?

Only distilled water. It’s an ultrasonic machine, it doesn’t work as an RCM. However you can drop a little of cleaning fluid with it, but it’s not a necessity. Better do a quick clean before using the machine. It dries too.

Thanks, FR


Just placed an order on a 555 DR for my NDX2 :sunglasses:
5 weeks delivery time


I’ve been running the Osiris for about a day now so not long, It’s a very capable integrated with shed loads of drive, really great bass and grip and has quite a propulsive delivery overall, the first thing I noticed was the perfect left/right balance compared to the SN3 which I always found down on the right - at least now I know it wasn’t just me or my room! Also, despite having an ALPS volume pot there is no imbalance issue at low volumes. The amp is very transparent but not bright and possibly is showing up my bare NDX2, I suspect a higher end source might be required to do it justice so in that respect it could offer some competition to 282/250 type separates. It’s difficult to argue with the SQ but overall I think the synergy of the SN3 and NDX2 might be preferable to my ears - SN3 being a bit more nuanced and refined perhaps and the Rega being a bit faster and more full-on. I won’t really know for a few weeks until I get the SN3 back to see if there’s a big let down - hopefully not! Taking price in to consideration, the Rega is twice the price of the Naim so it really shows how capable the SN3 actually is when it can hold its own. Build quality of the Osiris is excellent although looks are a bit 90’s imo and not my thing, the remote weighs about a kilo which is madness - you’d thrash a coffee table if you dropped it, what is attractive though is the units lifetime warranty which after my unfortunate Naim experiences is worth a lot just for the peace of mind and it shows the confidence Rega has in its products. I was expecting a bigger difference against the SN3 so even at twice the price far away hills are not always greener but to be fair to the Rega a higher end source or XPS on my NDX2 may well bring it in to its own particularly with speakers that need plenty of drive. Copying in @Mike_S


Rather impressed with this cleaner. Superior to the okki nokki product.


Thank you very much for taking the trouble to write that up. Interesting Rackit who is a member here , reckoned it was at a similar level to a pre Dr’d 282/hi/ 250 . I remember the reviews when it first came out and it was described as being ‘polite’ by the likes of Naim fanatics like Paul Messenger. I seem to recall What Hifi coming to a similar conclusion. Everyone hears things differently though.

I have to say I was hoping it would comfortably eclipse the SN3 , as I would love have a high end one box integrated one day. Rega have a fantastic reputation and that lifetime warranty is highly impressive , so the Rega brand appeals greatly to me.

I’ll still give it a try myself sometime in the future, but like a growing number of people here we live in hope a reference version of the SN3 appears at some stage. Otherwise the big obvious step up from the SN3 appears to be the venerable 282/hi/250 DR version and another 3 boxes of different sizes.

Thanks again and enjoy the Osiris for now and wishing a speedy and healthy return of the SN3.


PS - forgot to add a really good write up.


One observation with the Osiris , it really shows its quality when driving higher quality speakers.
I initially ran mine with Rega RS10 but only found what it really could do when i changed to the PMC MB2se.

For @Hollow and @roda . Very interesting observations about how the Osiris is shaping up in place of the Supernait3. Shows just how good the SN3 is if the Osiris is not a significant step up in performance, as per your system stands with the current source.

I’ve only heard the Osiris once but came away rather impressed. During the dem it was powering and controlling a pair of ATC SCM40s in a large-ish room with ease, and with plenty of apparent headroom given the listening levels, and it also played very well at lower volumes too, which surprised me. Source was an Isis CD player and Rega P8 / Apheta2 / Aura.

Being a one box amplifier that’s so capable made me think that only a HyperNait could be more desirable than the Osiris. Plus, there’s Rega’s warranty and reputation for customer support for added peace of mind too.

I like it too but could do without the scent. It smells like a cheap general cleaning product.

Due to a very attractive discount on the mk I Vicoustic wooden diffusers I accidentally ordered three. When they arrived I noticed I had chosen the black ones. Thought I picked the brown/wooden ones. Must have had some kind of plan that I forgot about. Anyway, now they are in place and I must say they changed the sound surprisingly much.



Both yes and no. I need to adjust to this new sound. First impression was I had to turn the volume up to get the same feeling. Then after a while I felt it was cleaner and more detailed but still I wanted to turn it up to get the excitement. Now I don’t know. It’s really a lot cleaner/clearer, easier to hear more. I think it’s really good😄


Don’t get me wrong, it’s a seriously capable amp but probably I’m not really doing it justice with a bare NDX2 and Spendor 3/1’s so synergy wise in my situation perhaps the SN3 is a better fit. Just goes to show though, you can build a really high end amp, preamp and power supply in one box and make it sound seriously good, bring on the 500 series integrated!