What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

The sceptic in me suspects it probably is. Of course we don’t know which one, so the safe option is to just buy it instead of experimenting with those kinds of things on your precious records.

The Enleum Amp-23R or a Nytech CA352 might be what you are looking for depending on what you like signature wise and what speakers you have.

Yesterday collected a MusicWorks Reflex Ultra G3 Mains Block, astounded at how much of a difference it made.


Works seemlessly with roon

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Yes, it does! I forgot I can easily pair up the Weiss and my Atom in Roon

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I see u are replacing the xpsdr with the 555psdr.
I have ndx2/555psdr into 552/500
I went from xpsdr to 555psdr- worthwhile improvement. Just better.
I’m quite happy with my source
Look forward to hear your impressions of what adding this ps does to your system

I will let you know.

Really pleased with these little isolating feet.


Which isolating feet are they, and what can you tell us about the glass sheet?

Hi-Cap has arrived and been installed. My first Naim stand-alone power supply. Straight out of the box the improvement is obvious and quite impressive, given comments elsewhere on the forum I was prepared to be underwhelmed but happily that is not the case. Still a few weeks to wait for the XPS by which time the Hi-Cap should be well run in.


I don’t know what it is but its display says Roon-ready. The Atom is also Roon-ready, so grouping them in a common Roon (RAAT) zone should work just fine

For a moment, I thought you bought yourself new cough syrup… :sneezing_face:


Cough mixture was last week…definite improvement in soundstage and transient response compared to my old fisherman’s friends.

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I thought they were on the endangered species red list.

Not being critical
a) it’s lovely product
b) the chips shortage is nothing to do with Naim
c) I think it’s cracking value

It’s here.

Drop dead lovely :heart_eyes:


NDX2 and Pre-loved XPSDR warming up.


The heft…none of that plasticky nonsense.

Enjoy one of life’s little luxuries.


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I certainly am! Using the R-com a lot more than the Narcom, and it’s so nice…

Luxury indeed - heightened by the auto button lights on/off. Such pleasure in small things!

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You want heft? This thing weighs just over half a kilo! What were they thinking!?


A great combo. Adding the xpsdr was significant for me.