What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

Puts the NDX2 remote to shame lol

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Any further thoughts on the Osiris?

Glad youā€™re enjoying it @steviebee . I have one too. I keep trying to like it. Every time I give up and go back to the plastic alternative that has a nicer, more progressive volume control, doesnā€™t chew batteries, isnā€™t unpleasantly cold to the touch or have so much heft that itā€™s forever trying to find the shortest route between the cushions of my sofa/to the floor.
The R-COM looks so much classier, but I just donā€™t find it very friendly to use myself. Very happy to accept that Iā€™m the odd one out here though :man_shrugging:


Half a Kilo? Thatā€™s nothing.
My TV remote is so big, last night the sofa fell down the back of it. :rofl:


I do like the simplicity of the R-com and the big (auto) lit buttons, it just feels like a quality handset thatā€™s built to last. I didnā€™t often use the Narcom I must admit so never really settled with it. Iā€™ll keep it, though. So far, I find the R-com harder to lose down the sofa!

Vive le difference. Good to have the choice, eh?

Youā€™re not, NARCOM is much more practical in use, particularly as you say wrt volume control. My R-Com is safely stored in my 552 box for the day (if it comes) when its sold.



A remote is the most overlooked thing for manufacturers. Spend all this R&D on making a beautiful bit of hifi that privides a truly quality tactile experience, but some users will most interact with the remote. Thatā€™s usually a rubbishy bit of functional box ticking like the remote you get with a 282. The remote should be seen as an extension of the product.

Iā€™ve got a bit of non Naim gear and the remote is the lovely large heavy metal thing screwed together with oceans of space between buttons. It screams quality and is clear to the touch which bit of gear it partners with.

All Naim remotes should be built like the R-com.


Couldnā€™t agree moreā€¦ the R-Com is sitting there looking nice, the one I am using 99.9% of the time is the NARCOM

What does that do for you? Similar to the MuSo and say Spotify and you can connect speakersā€¦

+1 - ergonomics suck. Very hard to get any precision on volume for example. I do, however, like it for its weight, feel and visual appeal.

Yes itā€™s really grown on me and is seriously impressive. Iā€™ve never heard Naim separates so canā€™t compare but Iā€™d imagine itā€™s well up there against say a 282/250. The detail and transparency coupled with serious drive and poise is what sticks out, I can only imagine with an improved source that it could really shine. It takes a few days to get your head around the new delivery (90% of burn-in IMO) but once you settle with it itā€™s fantastic. The real test will be when my SN3 returns, I do still think though that with my current setup the SN3 perhaps provides a better balance - time will tell. For anyone looking to downsize separates to a meaty integrated Iā€™d highly recommend an audition once your sources or up to it.


Thanks for the latest update.

Hmm. this is getting interesting now. When judgement day comes , we would be grateful if you could spare the time and let us know your findings please.

The Osiris has been on the market for 11 years or so now. I wonder if Rega will ever do a mark 2 version like they have done with the Elicit ( mark 3 presently) ?

The Osiris can be picked up at good used prices, a five year old example from a dealer went half price recently. I need to improve my source first before I could consider one, but if a good example comes up before at a keen price, for me, why not, if the source upgrade will eventually follow.

Out of curiosity was the Osiris just there to fill the gap while the SN3 is being repaired, or were you thinking, possible upgrade option?

Hi Steviebee,

Is it possible to control the Naim streamers with R-com (play, pause,etc.)?

I really donā€™t know, sorryā€¦I donā€™t have a streamer nor any intention of getting one.

Iā€™m sure others will know.

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Apologies- I do have a Muso QB2 (bedroom player)ā€¦I havenā€™t tried the R-com (or the Narcom) with it, assuming it needed itsā€™ own remote.

Itā€™s on loan from my dealer whilst SN3 is being repaired, Iā€™m open to changing as Iā€™m a bit fed up with the poor Naim reliability Iā€™ve endured but not sure if I want to spend Osiris money at the moment but it is tempting taking in to account the lifetime warranty. Iā€™ll have a better sense of things when SN3 returns.

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Doubtful unfortunately - they use an RF remote (Zigbee) rather than IR.

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Just ordered one of these DACā€™s, will be very interested to see just what a difference it makes to listening via my iPhone


The Hip Flask version. Should be good :+1:


Ohh yes, thatā€™s correct