What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2022?

I’d be interested to hear your thoughts as I’m considering getting wired headphones and a portable dac when my wireless headphones break

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No. The R-Com controls the pre-amp volume, channel selection and mute function. If you have a Naim CD player it’s more useful.

The NARCOM is more versatile, but it doesn’t control the streamer either.

The streamer remote offers some control over the streamer as well as the pre-amp if system automation is enabled. It is not possible to select a track from the remote (unlike the earlier generation of streamers), although I believe this might be possible if it is saved as a favourite.


Thanks! R-com looks really nice but it wouldn’t be useful for me I presume.

It depends what equipment you have. The NARCOM is more useful than the R-COM as it also enables switching between preamp and record functions. It also includes a PROG button to facilitate input setup.

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The prog function is exactly why I’m keeping my Narcom (but I’ll be using the R-com for CD, volume, display etc. It’s just so much easier to use for me, especially when the lights are low.)

I ask as I’ve got one on demo as a potential replacement for my Aethos. I think it’s phenomenal. Initially I was a bit confused as it’s super delicate as well as punchy. I guess you could all this delicacy transparency…but it makes music beautiful. I’ve had it a good amount of time and have done a lot of switching, but I’ll be buying it for sure. I’m happy with my sources, but am not a ‘source-first’ advocate anyway. For the money I’ve not heard better.

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don’t think I would use R-com a lot as I only have NDX2.

BlockquoteYessir, I’d realized that in a comment [quote=“Suedkiez, post:1933, topic:20941, full:true”]

I don’t know what it is but its display says Roon-ready. The Atom is also Roon-ready, so grouping them in a common Roon (RAAT) zone should work just fine

True! Weiss is Roon Ready, pretty much the only way to control it. Easy to group–I mentioned that a couple days ago

Bought a new set of AQ Earth for my NDX 2 when it comes from repair, they will be on their box for sometime.


A lot of difference. I have had one for 3 months now and I love it with my new Meze 99s. It’s like having my main set up coming out of my phone. I had a Dragonfly Black which hardly made any difference to my ears, this on the other hand……Oh, Btw I use it with a Meze balanced 4.4mm cable. Just remember to turn it off when you are done listening!

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I never understood if DBS filter have a limited duration in time and must be replaced after a certain long period of use or is it just the dbs’s battery that must be changed when it is discharged.
Maybe I have misinterpreted this aspect …


I bought one too for my Uniti Star. Really worked for me. But Alas, it failed to survive its first power surge so it’s back at the dealer, luckily it happened within warranty. It just left me being sceptical on the non-sacrificial circuit…

Does it mean dbs lasts forever, except for the battery?

I read it like that. If the green LED lights up , system works. If not, change batteries.


It saved the Star. Must have been a serious surge though !

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Curious at what level you run the Weiss? 0? -10?


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Hi Nick, sorry for late reply. The feet are non-branded but pretty well made. They are aluminum with steel springs. Cost about GBP18 online. The glass sheet was made locally here in Thailand, 5mm thick 50x30, about GBP16. So, on the cheap, but looks good. Improvement in sound? Possibly…

The Taiko Extreme server has just arrived. :partying_face: :smiley:

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to unpack it until tomorrow. This evening I’m climbing! :muscle:

Sometimes, certain priorities take over others! :man_climbing:


Lavricables Grand 6n pure silver 20awg headphone cable. I had the Rhodium Aeco 4pin XLR and the Furutech mini XLRs upgrades.

Beautifully made cable and a very nice improvement over the Meze Silver upgrade after burning in.