What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Enjoyed a pair of Linn Ninka’s (cherry) at one point and was very happy for many years.
Later, had them set up Aktiv, with 3x LK100 power amplifiers. Which was outstanding.
But, even just by themselves, they are a fine loudspeaker.

I actually like the shape and styling, thinking they are good looking items too. Easy in a living room environment.

Good luck :+1:

Best wishes


Oh wow, that really is a complete rework.
Impressive. Nice job :+1:

Thanks for sharing, enjoyed studying those pics…


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I’m happy to report that both the Ushers and the MoFi speakers failed to ruffle the NAIT2 composure up to 75dB average listening volumes. This is the loudest I can reasonably go unless I’m home alone.

I’m very familiar with the Ushers as they were my primary speakers for about 10 years and I ran the NAIT2 with them for a good portion of that time. They’re the most difficult load I can run the NAIT2 with at 87dB efficient, going to -3dB at 29Hz. The MoFi by comparison are 91dB efficient and only go to 42Hz (?dB).

I used my “Bass” playlist, full of tracks with lots of high quality low frequency content. The Orb’s “The End of The End” from “No Sounds Are Out of Bounds” has a periodic deep, deep floor rumbling sound that the Ushers reproduced very nicely. At no point did I feel I was lacking for amplifier power.


Worth mentioning that it’s possible to run the Ninkas Aktiv with just two channels of amplification per speaker. I use four of the five channels of a a 5125 and it made a very big difference to the way the Ninkas sound.

IMO a used Aktiv Ninka setup is a huge bargain with the prevailing prices of suitable Linn gear.

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Also agree 4 aktiv channels works fine too.
Let’s ensure that idea get shared with @QuickSticks

Good luck QS, with your “new to you” Ninka’s

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Just bought a 552 DR !

About time that I did this. Excited !


Just picked up yesterday…


Nice pair of Boxes! What are you going to put in Them?


Not sure. Now that I emptied them I will probably either lose them or put them in the garage.


A change of lounge furniture meant that I was forced into buying a new turntable to replace my original Technics, so every cloud. I was so concerned with the space fitting for the Nova, which fits with under 1cm to spare, that I omitted to measure the depth of the unit for the turntable and given that it is quite shllow, the only decks which would fit were the Rega 8, 10 or this Michell Tecnodec. Cost came into play and so I got the Michell and I have to say that I am very pleased with it, so all ended well and saved me cutting a slot out of the back of the unit. Starting to appreciate vinyl rather more now.

Also, the speakers are now better placed than my previous off-axis positioning.


The Michell Tecnodec is an oft forgotten turntable but is still a great deck in my opinion and seems to fit your space perfectly



As my choices were very limited I didn’t go for any listening tests, but I felt that I was on safe ground with a Michell and I am not disappointed. I do still hanker after a Gyro, maybe one day.
We are pleased with the unit, which hides the various black boxes.


I’m lucky enough to have the space for a Gyro SE - and that is my oldest piece of equipment and I don’t think I’ll ever change it - not only does it look stunning it sounds brilliant too!


nice!- does the nova get warm like that?

That was a concern and so I contacted Naim, who told me that the main issue would be a build up of heat over time rather than on a periodic basis when in use and that ensuring proper ventilation is crucial for the optimal performance and longevity of the unit. Therefore, whilst probably not ideal, I do check it and it seems to be fine, just warm to the touch rather than hot. The unit does have a cable hole at the back and I have pulled it forward as far as I can, plus there is reasonable space each side. So all in all, it seems to be ok.

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Perhaps a good time to add your full system to your profile now!


Will do, at a convenient time ! (Update - added). At the moment I am about to box up the 252 and SC DR. All being well I should be connecting up a lovely 2018 552 DR tomorrow night !

Near panic moment just now when my Radikal lit up but failed to power the LP12 when switched. I was fearing a lightning strike/burnout. Fortunately it looks like just a temporary switch quirk and all is AOK. Not the sort of thing you want to happen when changing to 552. :astonished:


Better than second hand price for a brand new unit, thanks A2A.


New speakers. Very pleased.