What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Just a standard Magik.

On my living room system I have an RB880 paired with StackAudio Alto sub-chassis/armboard (which is closer to keel than kore) and works really well for less than half of what the kore costs. Ekos 2 is a thirty years old tonearm and bearings are not forever, just a thought.

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Interesting :thinking:
Do standard Linn dealers fit these or do you have to find somebody to do it for you?
Iā€™ll be honest, Iā€™m not convinced that Iā€™ll make the change going forward. This is all sounding pretty darn good as it isšŸ˜Ž


Itā€™s up to the dealer, but since it is the same procedure and itā€™s all labor (high revenue margin) I wouldnā€™t expect they would turn it down unless drunk on Linn ideology, in which case I would run away from them. I agree with the second part, if you like how itā€™s sounding donā€™t rush into anything, you are already in diminishing returns territory.

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Well itā€™s finally arrived from Naim after a full service and sounding superb and itā€™s only been on an hour. Most of the insides have been replaced from the report sheet so should give many years service.
This is an early bolt down from 82 I think.


Come on lads, lift your game :sunglasses:


Good work! - ive plenty on cd but they are in the loft, now ripped.


Better not listen to the Radikal then :rofl:


Nice one :+1:
Thatā€™s impressive. Iā€™d say youā€™re not just a fan, but a lifelong fan, as you youā€™ve followed Rush right through.

For myself, it was just really during the 70ā€™s. Along with Yes and one or two other Progā€™ bands.

Had a fabulous evening last night listening to my Rush albums. Thanks to @QuickSticks for prompting a lovely journey back to my youth.


45 years a Rush fan @ratrat.
Man & Boy.
I honestly canā€™t think of a song that I donā€™t like and would hit the skip button on, although ā€œI think Iā€™m going baldā€ is close :joy:
Just listened to Fly by Night and am currently listening to Test for Echo on SWMBO system via ND5 XS 2


I love Rush, but stopped following them after Moving Pictures (I went all New Romantic at that time in my life)

Have all the original vinyl from Archives to Moving Pictures and the re-issues and the recent Moving Pictures box set. Really must get round to getting the more recent albumns.


Some old friends returned from a summer spar back in Denmark, all freshly serviced, looking forward to hearing them all anew.


Pfft. Fair weather fan. Nothing after Power Windows. :nerd_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


You might have to put me on your ignore list if those are your criteria :rofl:

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Every album until the last which I didnā€™t like although everyone else seemed to. Saw them in every tour too since signals and Iā€™ve lost count of how many different copies of each album Iā€™ve got. FYI Geddy is doing a book tour again later this year although I donā€™t think heā€™s signing this time. And just to bring things back on topic Iā€™ve just ordered a Chord Pre 3 to go with my Ultima amp


Interesting re the Chord. Are you still just using a single source (the TT2?)

Yes at the moment. There is a pretty big improvement in sound going from the tt2 pre amp to the pre 3 though

NAC 332 Preamplifier / Just collected from Audio T, Bristol


Nice one. Enjoy!

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Interesting, not suprised to be fair, I always prefer the TT2 through the 252 rather than direct into the ATCs

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