What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

SolidSteel SS-6. My old stands were nice enough looking, but very cheap and a bit unstable which always freaked me out a bit with a dog and cat running around. Picked up a pair of Raw SS-6’s which I’d had my eye on for ages. Love them to bits. I’ve been quite sceptical about what stands can do but these do sound much better than my old ones. It may be that the old stands were a bit too low really and now the speakers sit up about 5-10cm higher, or maybe it really is stand voodoo, whatever, it sounds great!


Happy birthday, and only one third left to buy…:sunglasses::sweat_smile:

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Thanks to Alastair @Signals.
But I forgot these:


so I can’t use the stands…
Alastair is sorting it and I’ve also asked Naim, but if someone has an idea just in case…



I had those too and really loved them, the function as well as the aesthetics. The legs can be filled with sand which will affect the resonances and thus the sound - in case you feel like tweaking :wink:

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I just bought a Linn LP12 from a friend. He borrowed my old Aro arm on the player earlier this year. No idea what configuration it is :slight_smile:

I will fit a MM in the arm.

Any ideas what will fit under £400 ?


These are very good speaker stands. I use them too. I have filled mine 2/3 with aquarium sand and use Isoacoustis Gaia III instead of the original spikes. Both have brought another improvement for me. The sand costs almost nothing, but measuring the amount and filling it with a small funnel takes a little patience. The Gaias are a small additional investment. Enjoy. :+1:

Sorry, I may have posted a badly posed question.

My actual Sats are these:

So what I lack are the two ‘barrels’ and bolts that sis on the stands’ cradles. I posted a pic of complete Sats to show what I need…

My Sats have never been used with the n-Stands, the small circular metal pad is still intact.

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You should be able to cobble something together with the correct size allen screws and barrel spacers from ebay or similar.


In fact yes, thanks. But I’m sure - on a half-serious note - that there would be those who claim to hear a difference between barrel spacers…


Frustrating, isn’t it! I once faced the same problem and eventually found the required items on ebay, but you may have to wait a long time. Perhaps worth trying some other dealers such as TomTom. Someone, somewhere will have a half forgotten set in the back of a drawer.
Maybe try a wanted ad in the fishy place.

They probably aren’t machined just for Naim. I’d expect Naim could tell you what type of bolt is used so you can order one that way. Certainly easier to get a hit online looking for “part number X” as opposed to “n-sat mounting bolt”.

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@ChrisSU, @feeling_zen,

Thanks, I have already posted a WTD on PFM and got the interesting suggestion of using motorcycle paddock stands bobbins.
They look a bit large to me, but I’ll investigate. If Signals can’t help me I will contact TomTom Audio.

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If all else fails I wonder if you could have one made. It would be a simple thing to copy for anyone who can use a metalworkers lathe, or maybe a 3D printer?

Now on duty with CD555 & S600s. Will move tomorow with S400s and eventually nSat


A friend’s company works precision metal. He’ll probably help me if other options fail…

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Looking close-up at mine the bobbins appear to be made from a stainless steel.

P.S i tightened my bobbins to 3.6Nm using a high quality torque driver.

Fantastic speakers!

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Piano blacks were my very first pair, in 2006. I bought them from Germany. I also had SBLs but followed HH’s suggestion to try them in the front row before selling them, and they stayed. Then they went, but I am at my seventh pair now.
There’re coherence in my lunacy…

(BTW - if there’s a gentle soul willing to take and post the measures of the original bobbins, it may help me find the best replacement. Thanks.)

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Hope you can find some bobbins. Maybe an idea to call on a chain dealership such as Audio t or Seven Oaks to help strengthen your chances as well? Just a thought…

Best of luck.

One of the last Nap 300s