What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Up and running, first impression is thinner sound, may be need sometime to warm and sound may change after run in.


I posted this in the Furutech thread but it’s actually better off in here as more people will see it.

There was a fake Furutech Nanoflux power cable (RRP - £5,500.00) for sale on a well known auction site last week, there was three bids and someone paid £420.00 for it.

If the adage “if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is” ever applied more than in this case.

When you compare it (pic bellow) with an original Furutech Nonoflux Power Cable you can see that the markings on the sheath are different.

If you search for Ali Express you see that the fake one is the same.

The Original has two thin broken parallel white lines and the fake has thick white lines.

There’s loads of fakes out there, particularly (Furutech Alpha PS 950) and (Furutech Nanoflux) so be careful. If you want to be sure then buy from a reputable dealer.




That’s very similar to my set up :slight_smile:


Short version; I like them :slight_smile:
While not positioned in a place where I’m used to hearing things, I had a used nova there previously. Even when having a quite improvable source (auralic aries mini) into the nait, I liked it way more. The nova needed quite some volume to come alive (and drown out the transformer hum), while the nait has been sweet at all times.
Trying out m-scaler and a tt2 into the nait did of course improve things, but the nait / n-sats was obviously more of a bottleneck than my nagra msa / tablette 10, which it should be.
This is during the first few hours of operation, so not written in stone.


Same here but it’s a NC 250 that’s lurking in there!

Interesting - thanks. Will you be leaving the original feet in place?

Hi Ian, I have just checked the weight of your not so humble CD5si and the website states 5.9kg. If you wished to try the Orea’s, the Graphite model is the nearest recommendation for your cdp. Three pucks will hold 5.4kg and four 7.2kg, so as you can see your player falls between the two. So there will be a decision to be made here regarding your choice, as I was lucky and three Bronze pucks met the recommendation for my CDX2 exactly. As rightly stated so many times on the forum, my gear, my room and my ears but for myself they were definitely an upgrade. Good luck with your decision and I am happy to answer any other questions.

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Repair and recap of our Meridian M20 active speakers.
Two transit screws for my CD3.5.

:laughing: :laughing:

The Aria is excellent!


Thank you for your feedback. Appreciated.

Thanks Alan, I have also a CDX2 that is digital output only.

I think the bronze pucks will be better.

Probably order them tomorrow

Best wishes


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TBH not really thought about it. Will probably leave them - don’t want to mess about with my Naim gear and I don’t think they’re doing any harm and everything is nice and stable as is.

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:articulated_lorry: Super Lumina DIN DIN about to eventually replace Hiline. What do you think @Mike_S


Just took delivery in the afternoon of this second pair of IBLs, no, i’m not collecting them, having just receveid others in black last week. These, should be aimed to a friend & fellow forum member. However i connected them to my 500 system, as you can see, in less than Ideal condition, i have not even fitted the spikes and, especially in this system contest, It’ s embarassing how clean, trasparent, how beautiful the voices are. They seem having a better intonation and PRAT than other Naim speakers i own.


I have been attempting to convince my DB that I should replace her lovely Mk 1 Kans with IBLs, coz it would be, um er, interesting (for me!). (There were a nice pair locally on the infamous auction site……)

She has resisted on the grounds that she could fit another knitting machine in her craft room….if only I would put the Kans on wall mounts!

… And for the Joy of your relatives, you can eventually go active adding another few black boxes🙂

A lovely setting.

That owl statue…tremendous! Beats the typical TV centrepieces by miles, as do your paintings.

(Your wife is right re keeping the Kans - but, then… I’ve not heard IBL’s…)

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Great news @Blackbird, it really brings out the best in a Naim system, more detail and dynamics, and overall just a very natural and organic presentation that is very immersive.

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Definitely give it some time. This time next week you should be smiling but even then it’ll have more to give

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Are you running the SN3 as a pre-amp?
This is an upgrade path I had not considered