What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

My AV Options HiLine replacement must be part of the same batch, as it’s due on Monday.

By a stroke of good luck / timing, I’ve just pulled the trigger on a pre-loved 300DR, also from AV Options. I should have that later next week, or early the week after.

Either upgrade would require a partial teardown of my system, so I’m relieved to have to do that only once. I foresee lots of listening time being carved out this season :wink:


Following the abject failure of my previous “something to stand an LP sleeve on whilst the album is playing” I have invested another £4.99 in this. Not only is it nice and solid, it also folds up to become much more compact.


I’ll change 72/HC/180 for this:

It has a remote, four channels, active card and riaa.

I regret that I sold my almost mint condition IBL mk2 in walnut last year. But a friend with a 500 system will maybe sell his SL2…


This for music on the move with my new iPhone 15 Pro Max. Sound is pretty good, good enough for the intended job.


Those 300DR’s were a great deal…

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Congratulations!! I know you’ve been waiting for one for a while.

Yes, I was expecting to pay at least 20% more than the asking price, even without the perceived (to me) premium of an AV Options service history. Very happy with the deal.

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Thanks! I had asked Matthew at Hawthorne to keep an eye out for the “right” preloved 300DR about a year and a half ago, but there have been hardly any passing through in that time, which was dismaying. When news of the imminent 300 series launch trickled through I became hopeful, expecting that this might trigger some upgraditis and release one or two 300s to the market. As it happens, “my” 300 became available because the seller is downsizing from an active system (though possibly – just a guess – to one of the new combinations).


A pair of Americas finest tubes. RCA Red Base 5691 with General Electric branding from 1960 in near perfect condition. New old stock in their original boxes as well!

This is the second pair of 5691s, probably one of the best input tubes around, but this pair is the best looking of the two and have the sought after black plates. Happy days :grinning:


For gods sake Neil, just stop… the bank balance is definitely “coughs” lighter… a Supercap DR seems to have appeared now… that’s it… apart from Paul at Solid-Sounds now working on a matching rack to go on the left so I can get everything nicely balanced. Before the stacking order police get involved, I must emphasise that the current arrangements are temporary! :sunglasses:


Hi Neil

It looks like you need to update your system in your profile - looks good to me and I see your using 3 of the Oreo’s per unit - do you think it makes any difference using 3 or 4?


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I think if one doesn’t use enough Oreos then the creamy filling might get crushed by the weight. OTOH, if you just use three, then you can eat the one that’s left over.


Don’t give up the day job.


Hi Simon, I thought I had updated it? I’ll check…

To be honest I just went with three for now. I’ll have a more careful listen when everything has settled down, and it’s all in the right order.

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Tough crowd…


Ah! “Save updates” :grin:

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Just arrived :grinning:

332 & 350, incredibly excited to get these setup but will need to wait awhile … grandkids are on their way over :slightly_smiling_face:


New Audio Technica AT-ART9XA to replace a damaged Hana ML. It coincided with a recent phono stage change from Cyrus Phono Sig to PS Audio Stellar. The pair are sounding mighty fine just now.


PMC Twenty.5 21i