What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Treated my old LP12 to a Quadraspire wall bracket. I just had to get her off the old rickety wood sub floor.
There’s a bit of tidying up to do, as I had to move the TV up a bit etc.

But oh boy what a difference! It looks good and my LP12 sounds sooo much better, I am actually taken aback by the improvement!

Excuse the distorted iPhone pic for making things look odd.


Have you stuck with the KS-1 with those @GraemeH or moved to something else ?

Still a KS-1 user. The stands have a cable tidy tube at the back, so it all looks very neat and tidy.

Sounds wonderful to me too.


I’ve been exceptionally good this year so Santa has brought me an early Christmas present.


For that, you’ve probably been very very good :joy:


Thanks @GraemeH . I was just curious. I switched to KS-1 after I moved from PMC to Kudos Titan speakers so never used it with PMC. Glad to hear it still performs well.

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Black Friday - although all sellers seem to have the same big discount. 4TB SSD. Time to bite the bullet and upload the whole CD collection to the Core.


I went into my local town today and popped into the second hand store only to see a 6 way Powerigel (power hedgehog) MK 1 sat on the shelf for £145.00 as they just wanted to get rid of it and they bought it cheap from deceased estate.

I already have a 6 way Powerigel MK 1 which I’ve had for a few years now but my system really requires at least eight power cables so now I have two Powerigel’s.

I know the Powerigel MK 1 has some drawbacks in the size of the conductors being only 0.75 sq mm2 (1mm) and the fact that the cables aren’t shielded but they also have some positive attributes and I’ve always found them pretty good.

I really want a Sean Jacobs block, Large Silver cable into the block and Copper cables out (2.55 sq mm2 (1.8mm) conductors) but will have to save up for that.

I’ve got both Powerigel’s plugged into a double wall socket and have put 4x 135’s on one Powerigel and then the Supercap 2, Olive Supercap, Naim Dac and 555PS on the other.

Been on for about an hour and sounding really good again.

Currently using the SL2’s.


I need to pop over for a listen :slightly_smiling_face:




My idea of acoustic treatment is basically lots of clutter :rofl:


Have to say it’s making me feel a bit better :wink:


I daren’t show the rest of the room :upside_down_face:


Your system is positively minimalist compared to mine.

If anybody’s wife (swimbo) complains about their system just show them mine and all will be forgiven :laughing:


Remind me. How many?

It’s always an absolute treat to be allowed to look into your music room.

For me, all and any pictures are a pleasure :+1:
Amongst the obvious “snaps”, you usually take nicely framed, thoughtful images too.

That set just cheered my day. Thanks.



Thanks for asking.

I’m not sure tbh, never counted them although I always intended to :smiley: I was using a 2TB Seagate hard drive which looked like being too small (2,000) so I thought I’d bite the bullet in the sale.

Have you been through the same process?

Trigger Waning: Anybody with OCD don’t look…

Some exclusive behind the scenes pics just for you. I might have a tidy up over the Christmas holidays :wink:


Oh my gosh
That’s a lot to look at, all at once.
I’ll be studying that latest photo set for ages now
And just before bedtime too. Breaks all the rules for screen time this late. It’ll keep me up :joy: