What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

How do u know our scotch drinking friend?
Has a “decent” system himself :smirk:

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Lack of Naim dealers as well as Kudos


I have a local Naim dealer here in the midwest, but they just have the lifestyle products (Mu-so, Uniti) on demo. Home demos for the other stuff are a challenge, but at least I’m at the top of the Classics line and don’t have to worry about it anymore. I treat what I have as end game.


Okay, which are the dominant hifi brands in the US then?:thinking:

Not brands that interest me
Google is your friend if u really need to know
I have not sampled US brands for awhile
I’ve been a Naim owner for 40 years
By the way I used to own Conrad Johnson and Audio Research- the latter company has folded recently

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I understand if you are happy considering the level you have on your system Des, but perhaps an upgrade of your Dynaudio to the latest model would be something to consider in the future?:wink:

I think the US market is still a lot of McIntosh, Krell, and Mark Levinson.


But Audio Research has been taken over by AR Tube Audio Corporation from what I understand and they will continue manufacturing I tnink? Yes, Conrad Johnson is a nice brand, but they are not big here in Europe.

Well, the Confidence C4 Platinum don’t come up for sale that often anymore, but if I could get a good deal on a pair in Piano Black after I move everything to a larger room I might consider it. :slight_smile:


What about Pas Lab, aren’t they still big in the US?:thinking:

What about the new Confidence serien then Des, they have been on the market for a while now?:thinking:

lol. Decent is an understatement. He mentioned your name the other day when I was chatting with him. I’m trying to drag him into streaming and throw away all his vinyl and CDs. (I’m waiting to see if he sees this comment). Just kidding

And they don’t sound as good, IMO. I have heard the Confidence 30, and the 60 when the pre-production pair were on tour at launch. The Confidence 30 is the successor to my Confidence C2 Platinum, but at $20K+ (and my C2 were $16K) I don’t think they sound better, and in some ways not even as good. They have some improved attributes but I think overall my C2s sound better. My dealer says he agrees with me. The C2 Platinum occupies a very sweet spot among Dynaudio speakers.

I was serious that the C4 Platinum would be the upgrade. I’m really not interested in the new series, although I love how they look (well, except they don’t come in piano black).

If I were to upgrade speakers I would rather get more pairs of REL S/510 subs.


Pass Labs is in the US, and has a very good reputation. I wish I had a local dealer because they have a phono-stage (XP-27) that interests me for having dual inputs.


My friend you need an intervention! Lol just kidding. I know of another person that has 3 subs and wants another.

LOL…For stereo, with REL, you have to do them in arrays of pairs (2, 4, 6). I have one pair and want another pair (for four). Maybe when I move to a larger room I’ll do the full monty, a six pack! Each pair is tuned differently, and they are all interconnected. It’s an amzing thing to hear what that does for soundstage.


I have 5 subs :blush: and want another two very low mms 15" to better bridge the 12" subs and the 18" fortunately the 18’s do the heavy lifting from 10-35 Hz with a lot of Xmax, so getting high SPL at 35 doesn’t require much excursion from 15’s


Since conversation has turned to multiple subwoofers, that’s the perfect segue to my latest purchase, a Denon AVR X3800H receiver to replace my Marantz AV7702 Pre Pro.

My reasons for doing this are (primary) to fully support 4 subwoofers versus the Marantz where I had to set them up in pairs and (secondary) to run my height channels from the internal amplifier while continuing to run the main channels through my Bryston amplifier. This will free up a pair of stereo Bryston amps that are absurdly over specc’d for height channel duty and simplify all of the cabling quite a bit.


I had 6 s/812 with a pair of Martin Logan 15a in my theater. It was a big room. 4 was the magic number. Adding 5 and 6, wasn’t remotely the same impact as adding 3 and 4.

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I have heard the difference between a four-pack and a six-pack in a stereo system at my dealer. I thought the difference was rather profound for impact to soundstage and realism.

Did you set them up yourself, or did a REL dealer do it? I believe getting the array dialed in is a bit tricky.