What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Curious about result too

Currently have the proac 10 sign which i like for it’s fast bass and immediate sound , but sometime a bit to much ….forward….and high also not always friendly with not so so recording :joy:

So PmC Twenty5 21i are on my radar since years…but never tried them …so far :wink:

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I couldn’t get along with the Nova and ProAc T10 Signatures. The sound was very fast but I got so little bass that jazz records just didn’t work. It’s totally different with the PMCs, still tight and fast, perhaps more so, but with a far better balance. The PMCs can give a much better sense of scale; the ProAcs couldn’t really handle higher volumes well, at least in my room.

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I see, I took the 10 signature because in my room must be close do the wall and as sealed …was a no brainier for me

What about the PmC is such position and what about ability for late session…with low sound level

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Mine are 8cm from the wall. They seem fine at lower levels to me, but it’s something you’d need to try.


Four pieces of 10mm toughened glass, plus some stainless balls and washers. The wood I already had ‘in stock’ - some mahogany window framing that wasn’t straight enough for its original purpose.


That looks excellent, great job! :+1: Rewarding too I imagine.

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Very Simrak.

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Does your kit not over heat next to that radiator?

Did you tried the proac DB1 before moving to PMC ?

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@Mark63 @steviebee

Someone here (@easeback1 possibly) recently posted a pic of his cool looking racks and it sparked me into action. The stackable ‘three legged stool’ idea seems to me very logical and looks more like furniture than your average rack. Mind you, with only hand tools and an ancient radial arm saw at my disposal, getting the repeatable accuracy required was er … interesting :exploding_head:

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You’re not the first to ask that.

The back of the kit is 22cm away from the radiator. Armed with my recently acquired infrared thermometer (gotta get that pizza stone just right) the radiator measures 60C, the preamp 23C. Room temp is 20C. No issue really.


Those are beautiful speakers, sorry I missed it but what made you move on from the Tab Signatures you had? I’ve always liked PMC from a distance but never had a chance to listen to them here in the states.

Very pleased with my recent purchase, Din - XLR Chordmusic for my NAP300, one of the best cable upgrades as far as now. :smiling_face:


Holy Jeebus. The Niimbus 4 ate the V281 for breakfast!
Like going from 252 to 552.

I’ve just done Super Lumina DIN - XLR upgrade on my 500DR. It was preloved so run in and it’s tremendous. It’s got m thinking about completing the full loom with the speaker cable. It doesn’t come up used very often though and even if it does it needs to be the right length.


I would like to complete the full loom of ChordMusic too; I’m still missing a speaker cable. This year, no money for that :grimacing:

What did you have before?

I wasn’t sure whether to put this on show us your pets, or here. For nearly a year we’ve been using a Google Nest Wifi Pro mesh system and the Naim has been pretty reliable in that time. But in the last week I’ve had enormous problems, with some or all of the Naim boxes disappearing from the network for no apparent reason. I thought I’d fixed it once, which involved multiple restarts of everything, only for them to vanish again two days later. I got them all back bar one Qb, and nothing I could do would get it to work. Rather than fret about it I just left it. ‘It will come back again’ said Mrs HH, and two days later it did. All by itself, with no intervention whatsoever.

The Qnap was involved in this disappearing act too, so it had to be a network thing. The Nest is delightfully simple but also pretty impenetrable, so all I could discern was that the non working things were offline rather than simply idle. And why they were offline I’ve no idea. It’s just something that drives one potty.

So today the pet manta ray arrived. It seems pretty powerful, and the iMac and printer upstairs still work, which is great. And the Naims all work too, which is even better of course. The manta wasn’t cheap, so I’m going to have to try getting a credit on the Nest. It came from Amazon, and I’m hoping they will be accommodating.


Just the standard cables.

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I was keen to downsize to a very simple system in 2022 and tried a Nova with the ProAcs, but just couldn’t get along with the sound, which was impossibly bass-light and just didn’t work with upright bass on acoustic jazz. So I effectively wrote off the Nova.

In January this year I borrowed another Nova and a pair of the little PMCs - I’d had PMCs in the past and liked them - from my very helpful local dealer. I wasn’t expecting much, but was surprised to find that I preferred the Nova/PMC to the on paper much superior NDX2, XPSDR, Supernait 3 and the ProAcs.

So that was that really, I swapped over and have been really happy with it. I’ve covered this on here before, so apologies if some find this old news, but I thought I’d put the whole story in one place for you.