What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

This is absolutely the last thing for me this year…

Replaced the old subchassis on my LP12 with a Majik sub I picked up cheap… mainly as a precursor to getting a Karousel done in the new year…


I’ll try the WiiM Pro Plus but the speakers will be going direct to my daughter.

PMC Twenty5 21i replaced ProAc Tablette 10 Sigs a week ago. Still reviewing them before the Tabs go. A room rearrangement to accommodate the Christmas tree hasn’t helped.


A touch too big for our living room. My wife had the left speaker right in her ear!



Is that the 3 wise men at the base of your unit.:grin:

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They have considerably more wisdom than I do! :rofl:

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Curious about your finding.
Got a try of the 21i last week in comparison with my 10i Sign but honestly was not totally convinced.

  1. Yes, lot more bass for sure…really surprising for the size
  2. High a bit less crispy, airy
  3. A bit less forwarded sound (less fatiguing ?)
  4. Need a certain amount of volume to wake up with the right soundstage

But overall found that everything was sounding more or less the same…lot of bass but not so well detailed.
The 21i was (for me) not able extracting the essence of each album with it’s own strength and weaknesses…
A bit less “emotional”… more “rock” approach

So 10 Sign will stay a bit longer…and will play a bit more with the wall to optimize LF


Thanks for your thoughts.

To be honest it too early for me to make much of an opinion. Only had them a week, not had huge amount of listeng time and moved them to another position in the room, so lots to consider just now.

Most likely post Xmas I will make a decsion.

Have you tried the PMC recommended amount of toe-in? I find they don’t as much as recommended but they definitely aren’t a straight firing loudspeaker. The lose all focus if you do that.

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Room / system dependent I guess. Mine have pinpoint imaging firing straight ahead.


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Hi FZ, yep tried both for short periods, I think I’m preferring straight on. Again, not had a great deal of time to sit and listen, hopefully the holiday period will provide that.

NPX 300 delivered today. Waiting until tomorrow for it to reach room temperature before connecting up to my 222 and applying the mains .

Looking forward to the performance uplift.



Well worth waiting. We received some furniture early one morning last week, obviously had been loaded the night before and there was some condensation……no damage. But an electrical item turned on too quick?

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@A-Fin it sounds great. I use the iPhone app, works fine.

Very nice arrangement and system. I also use the Solidsteel SS6 speaker stands and like them very much. I have filled them with Aquarium sand (2/3) and have added Isoacoustics Gaia 3. It was a good improvement.
I am also interested in your impressions of the PMC 21i. They seem to replace the Tablets more and more….


Thanks Wilf

I’m waiting to give my thoughts until I’ve had enough time to listen to them properly over a period.

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Keep us posted please.



Naim HDX. I’m not sure yet whether it will replace the TEAC or they’ll share an audio rack.
BTW, I need an audio rack now.


Four compliant sticky feet to lift my Cisco 2960 off the floor.



I’m very very much liking the Catsnake 6a (floating) between Cisco 2960 & ND555. Rebalancing the system after some changes is always a delicate operation.