What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

I think this is the last purchase this year) A very interesting set

Oh, and some more from DNM, their new speaker cable


Nice feet! Just got my server something similar:


Connected the NPX 300 this morning and, aside from the NSC 222 connectors being very, very tight, to the point where they don’t actually lock, everything powered up as it should.

As for the effect - electrifying, even just out of the box! I debated long and hard as to whether the NPX 300 represents VFM, but if you can budget for it, it’s really a no brainer.



It made a huge difference on my 332. It takes a month or so to de-stress and sound its best.

I haven’t seen Audio Alchemy in forever!

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StackAudio AUVA EQs


Had a NVC TT and NPX TT installed into my system today. Straight out of the box, it brought a smile to my face. A perfect match for a 222/300/250, well to my ears and it will only get better as it warms up and burns in.


A modern radiator is warmest on the top.
This is not a problem.

I saw them for the first time in my life :smile:

That is serious committment to your vinyl colledtion…

I have good news and bad news…….
The good news is the 222 and 300 will improve with time, as the 300 beds in :blush:
The bad news is the two burndy connectors do not seem slacken with connecting and disconnecting……one year on. I have two suggestions, as the connectors should fully lock in position.
Firstly, when connecting or disconnecting, try standing 222 (or 300 for its connectors) on one of it’s sides, on a flat soft surface. This side will depend on what connecting operation you are performing. I find my hand has a bit more space, to gain extra grip. This enables me to fully lock or unlock the connectors.
If the above, still fails. Then I would suggest, something similar to the photo below. I can vouch for this type of tool, as it has got some real bloody tight aircraft connectors fully connected or released over the years. :blush:


@Richard.Dane @110dB

Perhaps one of you might care to comment on the wisdom of using such a tool?


Okay, managed to squeeze in some listening time. Initially I was only testing out a few tracks to determine if the position of the speakers were still correct after fitting the Auvas but soon got lost playing “just one more track!”

They certainly are an improvement. The main difference I noticed is how much larger and forward the soundstage is, as well as an increase in clarity. Due to what I imagine is a reduction in distortion they improve every aspect of the speakers they’re bolted to. I enjoyed that lower volume listening increased but it was when I cranked the dial that you could hear what a difference the Auvas made as there was more dynamics, no smearing or hardening and bass was tighter and more impactful without overwhelming the room, despite its small dimensions.

Granted my T505s already sounded wonderful but adding the isolators really brought out their best. They’re certainly far more stable on their stands.

Listened to Jar of Flies by Alice in Chains (Qobuz stream) and was mesmerized. Never found it a particularly impressive recording (rather hard and flat in places) but this time I was lost in the music, marveling at the many subtleties I didn’t pick up on.

Still need to listen to a bunch more, including vinyl (as well as find a better compromise to adding a couple of cushions on my chair to counter the extra height the speakers now have due to the Auvas) but so far I’m pretty happy.


I’ve never seen such a tool, let alone tried to use one.

New SN3 and NDX2 arrived today along with a few PL’s. These are a nice gesture by Naim to make up for a litany of faults I’ve had with various units over recent times. Big Thank you to Naim, Audiospace Belfast and Cloney Audio Dublin. :pray:


I’ve just pulled the trigger on a second power supply for the ND555 with a Chord Music power cable to match. I was hoping to keep my system to four boxes with the active ATCs, but in the end the lure of optimising the 555 was too much.


The Powerlines, or the SN3 and NDX2?

First Dac I ever had was the original DITB by audio alchemy.

Was connected to a Teac VRDS T1 transport

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If you’re a forum frequenter, you may have noticed I’ve just done the same.
You are in for a big treat!
Ps. I did the power supply, not Chord cables

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What are your thoughts on the quadraspire feet HH?