What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Enjoy the Superline! I do. :blush:


That’s the plan, after upgrading the tt and cartridge. Hopefully in the coming year.

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I’ve been pulling out albums that I haven’t touched in some time. I’m floored!

Hi James. I’m really pleased with the Wiim Mini/D30 I actually bought it for a 2nd system but for the time being have it connected to my main system and for the money I paid which was about £110 as both where used I would say it would be very hard to beat.

I’ve yet to use the Wiim app but my other half loves the simplicity of the Bluetooth just connect to your phone, iPad or laptop and play.


@anon27418182 @Bobthebuilder Good to know. It does sound like a decent entry level option.


to wire the HDX to the Internet.


Better to use something like an Apple AirPort Extreme. This will take the wireless signal from your router to the AAE and that is wired to the HDX. Assuming this is an option (not knowing your circumstances).

These are a very bad idea, and very much a last resort; they put noise into your mains and can adversely affect sound quality. With the HDX you really should run a cable. You said there was a socket behind the HDX; is it not possible to have it connected?


I think it’s possible; I’ve contacted a couplle of electricians I know hoping that one of them would come within 2023… But no news so far yet.
I bought these because someone suggested them here on the forum; but I’ve cancelled the order, will insist on wiring the wall socket.

I used to have an Apple Airport, I sold it long ago, I was sure I’d never need it… :slight_smile:

There are plenty of other wireless bridge products available that will take your wired Ethernet and connect it over WiFi to your router. TP Link is one manufacturer whose products I’ve used for this, but there are plenty of others as well.


Thanks. I now have conflicting opinions…

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Obligatory on this forum :rofl::rofl:


A libelle.


Sorry to add more confusion and tbh I don’t know or understand a lot of these things but I do know that that’s definitely not the best way to connect anything.

You just need a Wi-Fi extender that has an Ethernet output plug. Connect the HDX to that with an Ethernet cable. I did this with a Uniti2 to get around the flaky Wi-Fi.


It’s not that the advice is conflicting, merely confusing. Everyone will hopefully agree that powerline connectors are the spawn of Satan. Wireless bridges are simply more modern versions of your old AirPort Express. They receive the WiFi and have an ethernet connection that you can use for your HDX. Wired ethernet is the most reliable, with a wireless bridge an alternative that should be fine, so long as the wifi signal it receives is good enough.


What do you think about it so far?


It’s surprisingly fun. A little raw but dynamic and bouncy with good timing. Reminds me of a CD3

X’mas came early to me this year. I’ve just acquired a Superline with 576R plug. It sounds good even connecting via aux2 of the nac282.