What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Many Thanks, looking forward to getting to know them over the festive period. In terms of protection, I was referring to the the metal grill on the Twenty 26 mid range drive, on the Fact’s this is exposed so fearful of wandering little fingers!

Of course not HH, Chord build quality has always been excellent in my experience. I would have not been happy if it was a manufacturing defect.

Sorry got my wires crossed, I thought for a moment there was some cunning part of the crossover that protected the mid range unit.

I know the damage little finger can do, over the years it has cost me two cartridges, an SME tone arm and a pair of tweeters :joy:

Planned to add NAP 300DR but ended up with McIntosh 275, it’s also Green :grinning:


I love my pre 3, made a huge difference. I did get some burn in, although it sounded good from thr off and it could have been the new cables too. You will love it

A TEAC PD-505T CD Transport for the study system. Will replace the 6000CDT.

Reading the salesy blurb I notice a lot of familiarish sounding stuff…

Semi-floating mounting

The entire CD mechanism is mounted in a semi-floating state that is not completely fixed to the chassis of the unit. This design, developed with meticulous care, prevents feedback that can have a negative impact on CD reading by preventing the transmission of vibrations generated by the spindle motor and actuator to the chassis and causing sympathetic vibrations. At the same time, in order to eliminate impact on the audio quality from dampers used when mounting drive components, we also designed locations where we employed rigid attachment methods, for example, and considered overall vibration modes in making a structure that employs both rigid and flexible aspects. By doing so, we have realized CD reading that is more accurate and maintains a higher level of purity.

Drive control circuit with a new design

Seeking an even higher level, we designed a new drive control circuit for the CD mechanism. By controlling the spindle motor with gentle feedback to create a natural rotating state, we have realized an even more unaffected and open sound. Furthermore, BTL drive, which does not generate switching noise, is utilized, starting with the spindle and also including the actuator that drives the pickup lens. This eliminates minute impacts on signal reading and increases the purity of the signal.

Discrete power circuits use toroidal core transformers

Toroidal core transformers are used for the power supplies. Furthermore, power supplies are separated for the OLED display, the CD drive and microcomputer circuit, and the audio circuit, with dedicated secondary coils and rectifiers for each. In consideration of the audio quality, independent discrete power circuits are used for the CD drive, the microcomputer and the audio circuit.


Muso for the bedroom very impressed with it.

The last things I have paid hard cash for were AUVA70 isolators from Stack Audio (I have various bits of kit still on approval). I was just going to get them for my main system Focals, but since they have a 30 day approval I went wild and got a set for my office Kabers too.

The effect on the Focals was positive but modest – a little bit tighter sound. I’m not sure whether I’m going to keep them.

The effect on the Kabers was transformational – a veritable night and day change. I have had these speakers a long time and they have always been a bit dry and clinical without masses of bass. That has all gone. While the soundstage has not opened out at all, there is a sweetness in the music (where it ought to be) which wasn’t there before; the dynamic range is bigger; a firm, tight bass is suddenly belting out; there is more drive and urgency in faster music and an easier flow in slow music. I am hearing the benefits in all types of music.

I went for the AUVA over, say, the Gaia or Townshend products largely for aesthetic reasons. I got excellent service from the company too. All in all, money very well spent.


The TEAC 5xx range is crazy value for money build quality. I have the matching 505 streamer and power amp in the kitchen. I’m sure the transport is similarly assembled to perfection.


I “may” have a problem with my Pre 3.
Noticed a feedback type noise coming from my ATC Active tweeter only on my left speaker. Its only noticeable when no music is playing and when I’m up close to the tweeter.

I swapped XLR cables around (left to right), swapped PowerPoints for my ATC’s, went back to DAVE as the preamp back into my ATC’s and switched L&R on my XLR out on the Pre 3 and the high freq. noise is
always coming from the Pre 3 left Chanel.

To be clear, it’s only when I get up close from say 30cm away from the tweeter that I can hear the noise. My right ATC tweeter is almost dead silent. It goes away when I mute or go into standby on the Pre 3

It’s mildly annoying as it’s brand new.

Could it be a ground loop issue ? If it was, it would come out of both tweeters I’d assume.

Popped into my dealer to settle up for the servicing on my Luxman tube amp. Also paid for the following:

Denon AVR X6700H to replace my X4000 that needs recapping.

A second KEF KC62 sub to even out the dispersion in the living room.

Oh and getting my amp back from Luxman with matched tubes will be nice too.

But why is it so many people (usually men) buy themselves presents at Xmas? And the guilt never stops us doing it again.




They currently have a seasonal 15% discount on their direct website…:wink::grinning::mx_claus:t3:

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It’s a bit less in Japan but my dealer still did me a deal. I think I paid about $700 less for the second KC62.

And I got the AVR X6700H for the same price as the X4800 so I basically got the amp and sub for less than I budgetted for just the amp. Merry Xmas to me.

Very sorry to read of this. I recommend asking your dealer to contact Chord straight away.

When I had an issue with my Chord amp, their diagnostic skills and customer service were every bit an excellent as Naim’s.

Best regards, BF

I will BF, when they open up after the Xmas break.

I will try one last test, a different set of RCA cables between my DAVE and the Pre 3 , just to rule out that as the culprit. I’ve tried everything else and it all points to the Pre 3.

Of course, I forgot you’re in that part of the world! How is it?

Sounds very similar to the problem @frenchrooster has had with his system.

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I have a pair of Chord Ultima 3 monoblocs and a Ultima 2 PreAmp. I use these with a dCS Rossini and Clock together Martin Logan active speakers (ESL 15A’s). My latest purchase was a Martin Logan centre Speaker (C18) for the home cinema part of the system.

Question: Why Chord and not Naim?
Answer: I’m frightened of potential hum (having previously suffered with other makes of power amplifiers using torioidal transformers).

I do live in Salisbury and must confess I feel guilty walking down the Southampton Road.


I am curious if you will be able to resolve it. I have the same problem with my Ear 912 pre and the NC 250 . I tried all the options, swapping cables, different cables, changed tubes, another powerblock, different power cable, and a grounding cable.

So i finally ordered a new power amp, to match my pre. The dealer accepted it and will take back my NC 250. I have thought about the Ear amp already, since some years now. This time is the right moment.