What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Nice to see the Linn LP12 being upgraded.

Indeed. Rounded covers are much more expensive to produce.

Why not the other way around, swap the Ear pre for 332? :slight_smile:

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quite snowy and Xmassy. Wondered around the German Xmas market near my dealer in Sapporo. Bit too many tourists though.

Nice to hear your thoughts on your new NDX 555. I just bought the NDX 2 and am happy to say that I am pleased with the sound. No budget for a NDX 555.

I would love to own one also but they are very expensive here in Holland. Buying anything in the UK costs a lot due to the import taxes.

Because it’s much more expensive and I have no that cash. And I would need an external phono on the level on the one inside the 912, so an ear 88pb. Total cost: 8k + 3k= 11k.
I paid 5,6 k euros my NC 250.


Whenever I see the name Tim de Paravicini I always imagine it being said in a very broad/strong Northern English accent by someone who probably has a flat cap, whippet and a racing pigeon (Peter Cook and Dudley Moore-esque) instead of someone with a fancy Italian accent.

It amuses me no end.


You’ll be thinking of the Scarborough de Paravicinis then.


Well, I am very pleased that Father Christmas made an early visit to me on Friday 22nd December together with his little helpers Simon and Danny from Acoustica to install my new Dynaudio Confidence 30 speakers, which have replaced my previous Contour 30’s. (As usual, Pete worked out a really good deal for me).
I now feel that my full 500 series system is complete and to say that I am absolutely delighted is a gross understatement.


its native Italy and in England, where one branch of the family settled centuries ago. One of his ancestors was Agostino Pallavicini, ambassador from Genoa to Pope Gregory XV, and later the doge of Genoa. A portrait of Pallavicini by Anthony Van Dyck is in the collection of the Getty Museum, where it is on permanent display. Tim was in fact a baron, a title that has been in his family for many generations.

Tim was brought to England for his education, which culminated in his receiving a degree in electrical engineering. After finishing his degree, Tim moved to Johannesburg, South Africa, where he worked as a consultant to hi-fl stores, ran a factory building transformers and amplifiers, built PA systems for rock groups, and did work for recording studios. Among the people he worked for in Johannesburg were the import agents for Luxman, a fact that led, in 1972, to his being hired by the chief executives at Luxman specifically to bring that company to the attention of the world outside of Japan. He was the first and only Westerner doing audio design work in Japan at that time.

From Absolute Sound.


My final addition to the setup was a Cisco Meraki MS220-8P switch. Done for this year and happy with the setup as it is:

Apple Mac Mini M1 • Roon • Tidal • Philips BDP-9700 • Naim Atom HE • LSA Warp One • Dynaudio Confidence C2 II • IsoAcoustics Gaia II • AudioQuest Niagara / Monsoon / Pegasus XLR / William Tell ZERO • Focal Elegia / Elear • Cisco Meraki MS220-8P • Blue Jeans Cat 6a

I wish you all a beautiful Christmas and a fantastic 2024!


Strange, no mention of single ended DINs or separate power supplies.


thats a wicked looking system…merry crimbo.

aaaaah what do they know!ha

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Gosh, that was an unfortunate outcome, but sounds like a great solution.

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Hope it works out this time FR.


I have often thought of that amp, since some years now. So it’s the right time. Will share when delivered.
( if you see my thread “ pop pops and stridency” you will understand that choice. ).


It’s a bit sad because when music starts I don’t notice any noises, only great sound. I am quite sure the Ear 534 will work great too. I tried once the Ear V12 integrated, 50 W too, and it was not embarrassed by the Ear 912/ 300 dr in my home. A bit less grip but a bit nicer tones and voices.
And it costed half the price of 912/ 534 .


FR: I have tried a difffent set of IC cables to exhaust all possibilities. The noise is still there.

My dealer isn’t back until the 9th Jan. I’m debating if it is:

  1. Really that big an issue, and TBH I only hear the high freq. hiss/pops as a noticeable sound when my ear is almost touching the tweeter and it’s completely gone when I move 1 to 1 & 1/2 feet away.

  2. If I send it back to Chord UK then the wait time to get it sorted will be in the months, not weeks, as it will have to go from Australia and return.

  3. Or if I push to get a replacement Pre. 3. The manufacturer may well say that it’s within the design specs. and / or I get another unit with a similar issue or a worse issue. A review of the Chord Pre. 3 stated that the volume pot was very, very insensitive as he had to turn it almost to full volume to get a satisfactory volume. Chord sorted that out right away.

We all want perfection I guess, but some brands that we do live with sometimes do have little design quirks.

NAIM as well as other manufacturers do have toroidal main transformer hum & the ALPS balance pot that isn’t quite center on some units as an example. Others with switch mode power supplies and mains power quality can cause some issues.

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Not sure about Australia, but if it were me (in the uk) I would speak to my dealer and expect to keep the old one until a new unit arrives from chord. Just the fact that the noise is not the same in both speakers means it is not meant to be like that surely?