What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

I like the Clearway Streaming cables, find them to be very good. And they look nice which Mrs DG likes.

All my cables are now Chord;

  • Clearway Streaming cable to and from EE8
  • C-Stream streaming cable from router to first switch
  • Signature X mains cable to Linn Selekt
  • Shawline mains cable to Farad Super3
  • Shawline HDMI from TV to Linn Selekt

Still looking for a reasonably priced second hand Epic streaming cable 0.75m for the last cable to the Linn Selekt, then replace the C- Stream with the Clearway



Linn Selekt DSM; Edition Hubā€¦

ā€¦plus new furnitureā€¦

ā€¦plus new lamp.



I hope you will resolve that issue. In my case I had to order a different amp, to match my pre.

Finally had chance to give my PMC Fact 12ā€™ a good listen today, decided to leave the LF/HF adjusters at neutral having tried them with a little added low end. These speakers are very different to the Twenty 26 I had previously owned, mid range is an absolute joy, they can do everything but only show when there on the recording, pure and truthful, hearing new things with each recording. Going to take me a little while to adjust to the difference but they are definitely going to be worth it based on my initial impressions.


So Iā€™ve had to ā€œunbuyā€ my new AVC-6700H, My dealer put the order in and Denon have discontinued everything except the X4800H at $3k and the AVC-1 at $10K. All the models in between are axed with no replacement.

So I guess I will recap my non ATMOS AVR-X4000 myself and then just sit and wait and think about what to do next. I donā€™t really fancy moving back to Yamaha, and Marantz has never appealed to me.

Contacted the dealer today, and even sent a text with the video / sound of the issue.

They canā€™t do anything until they get back to business on the 9th Jan.

But they noted the suspected fault, will email the Australian Importer and said to bring the unit in after the 9th Jan and see if they can replicate the fault in store and they will even lend me their demo. unit to try at home if they canā€™t trace the fault in store, just to see if itā€™s something in my house causing the issue.

I canā€™t expect any better service than that.


It may be worth looking at Marantz - after all, theyā€™ve been half of the same company as Denon for 20 years

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True and I talked to my dealer about this as he does Denon, Marantz, and Yamaha. But he did say the sound of Denon and Marantz was chalk and cheese. If you like one, you arenā€™t likely to get along with the other. This is partly why they have them in the same group with otherwise competing products at similar prices; because the customers are not really the same at all. Plus Marantz currently have the same issue as Denon in that they have entry level around the $3k mark, and then jump to $10K and over.

Iā€™ve had the top off my old AVR-X4000 this afternoon. Sadly, there are about 150 capacitors in there to test and replace. And you have to remove a cap to get a reliable test. And they are all glued down with epoxy. And the big output and rectifier caps are on a board right at the bottom needing every other board to come out first and all 11 amplifier transistors to be unsoldered because they are soldered to that board but also glued to the chassis. Itā€™s not going to be like recapping my A60 sadly. In fact time-wise, recapping it seems way more expensive than any replacement will cost.

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I suppose it makes sense to keep the DNA of each brand and have a signature sound.

Hmm, recapping does sound like a lot of work with risk of PCB damage along the way - I recapped a Linn Majik integrated a few years ago for a good friend which seemed straightforward at first but soon escalated. Still good friends though!


Huh?! When did this happen ā€¦ and why?
Might explain the emails from Peter Tyson (where I bought my 4500 from years ago) with big discounts on Denon AVRs ā€¦ just checked and they seem to still have stock, I imagine theyā€™d ship abroad?

Edit ā€¦ maybe Arcam as an option?

Arcam has 100% markup in Japan and servicing is nearly impossible.

The AVRs are not that voltage tolerant. A US 115v doesnā€™t actually work that well here. They need 100v transformers and again, Iā€™d not pay foreign prices. Iā€™ve in the last few hours got the service manual out and run the diagnostic check on the amp to confirm it has out of spec DC on the power amp board and this is why it has gone into protection mode a few times. It might get a few months without a recap if I can fix it according to the service doc. Iā€™ve got it on the bench and my oscilloscope out with the probes to first test ports on the board. Thatā€™ll wait for tomorrow.

Iā€™d rather wait a few months and see what happens regarding ranges than make a hasty purchase now. My dealer has said heā€™d let the dem unit of the 6700 go for a massive discount but Iā€™ve decided to hold off, leave my money with him to go against something else later in the year.

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Bought these as a gift to myself to see what actives are all about and they were on sale, now Iā€™m hooked on actives.


Shame about Arcam, sounds like a good plan though. Hope you get it sorted, Iā€™d hate to be without my AV amp :grimacing:

Last purchase here for 2023 is a wallshelf for the LP12. I have been looking for a while but there are not may options that I liked the look of. Having endured my family replicating a hurd of buffalo over Christmas and fearing for my new Dynavector TKR I noticed that Custom Designs are now selling their shelf again. I have also ordered a seperate Oak veneered MDF shelf for the sake of domestic harmony. Looks like I have a new years project.


Movies are now great fun! Especially anything with a John Williams or Hans Zimmer score.


I got myself a 252. Very happy with it.


Traded in the 222 for the 332 & 333.


Nice to see such a beautiful setup so close to where I live. All the best from Huissen. Enjoy your 252!


I was already wondering were you were located. Quite close that is.
I wish you all the best. Welcome to listen.