What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Take a look at the RS website, torque screwdrivers, to get better than ±6% costs a lit of money.

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The last bit of gear was actually a lot of smaller bits of gear (often very small) to make one finished bigger, and rather heavy bit of gear.

This is the Aegis Tube amp designed by L0rdGwyn, an amplifier designer who created this DIY project. I started this about 6 weeks ago and it’s now complete.

It’s the one closest the camera.

And here are the internals.

Very early listening has been very promising but it’ll take a 100hrs or so for electronics and tubes to run in properly.


New ultrasonic record cleaner for me today: Degritter Mk II, plus extra water tank for rinse cycle and the 10" LP adapter.

I’m about to sign a contract with an electrician. Part of that work will be to install a new 100 amp sub-panel to the 200 amp one we already have, and that will include two 20 amp circuits with a dedicated ground separate from the rest of the electrical service. The other part will be to run Cat6a and fiber from the first floor to the second. Then I won’t have to stream Qobuz over a WiFi link from first to second floor.


I have the titanium version, They shine as decoppeling feet under speakers on wood flors.


Nait 50, plus (to my surprise ) a Naim CD5si, I was going to get a DAC for my CDX2 .

In the end I decided to keep my system simple as possible.

It now is (Audio rack)

Clearaudio Emotion
Nait 50 (installed Tuesday)
Naim CD5si (installed yesterday)

TV rack
Pioneer UDP
Sky box
Naim UnitiQute2

The UnitiQute acts as a DAC for the first two and I stream R3 from it to the Nait 50 via a 4 metre Chord Shawline X (RCA to DIN). A true Swiss Army Penknife product


Auditioned some PMC Twenty5 21i and purchased a pair. Hopefully they will arrive within the week :+1:.


To satisfy my slight ocd.

From this



For my 300DR. Now have power lines on everything bar NAPSC. Pleasantly surprised with the immediate uplift. By conspicuous coincidence I find myself with a rainy day, nothing to do, a temporarily absent family and an excellent reason to listen to music for the foreseeable!


Is that one of those spot-the-difference competitions? What’s the prize?


Sorely tempted by one of these. Is it providing the type of results you were hoping for?

The only difference I could see is that one is even more out of focus than the other.


Looks like there’s been some levelling up :grinning:

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just levelling up.



Yes, I am very pleased with it so far. I had an Audio Desk that got damaged, so I bought the Degritter as a replacement. The configurability and user experience are really quite good. It also seems well supported. There was a firmware upgrade very recently that added a new feature.

I have two water tanks. For new records I just run them through on the Quick cycle with plain distilled water. For records that are dirty I have one tank with cleaning formula and the other one with plain water for the rinse cycle.

Oh, let me guess. You removed the graininess from the photo.

Hi, thanks for that. How does it compare to the Audiodesk in terms of removing surface noise, and if I may, does giving a record two or three cycles improve results? Thanks in advance for your help.

I really have no valid test for comparing how the Audio Desk and Degritter compare for reducing noise. They both work, but in different ways. For records that are truely dirty I use a a Kirmuss ultrasonic with Tergikleen for a prewash, and then use the Degritter for a rinse. I buy a lot of used classical records, and that routine works well for me.

The Audio Desk isn’t a true ultrasonic machine anyway. It uses ultrasonics to agitate the water, but doesn’t product cavitation in the records grooves. It uses cotton rollers to clean the grooves. The Degritter is a true ultrasonic and uses four 120Hz transducers to produce cavitation in the record grooves.

Audio Desk has had reliability issues. My first one died and was replaced under warranty. This one failed after a sudden power outage during a strom. Either the pump motor or the controller are bad. Since it happened with a storm and power outage I was able to claim it against my personal articles policy. I used that settlement to purchase the Degritter. My dealer also complains about reliability of Audio Desk and is now looking into becoming a Degritter dealer.


Thank you so much for such a detailed response. That really helps me. Thank you.


Trade in my Audiolab CDt6000 for a Naim Cd5i (non italic, production year 2005) from a friend. Sounds excellent.

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A cover to protect the LP12 from kitten paws.