What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

Excellent work, bravo!

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Just had the missing link installed by those nice men from Acoustica - already sounding pretty good even before it has been run in. Itch most definitely scratched. (The new box is in the middle BTW)


Just picked up a Cambridge MXN10 Streamer to feed my Chord Hugo TT. Have been streamer-less for a while and was looking for a simple 1/2 width solution for sometimeā€¦ this checks all the boxes and works great :slight_smile:


Iā€™m seriously considering getting one too @JosquinDesPrez . Like you, I buy a LOT of used vinyl, especially Classical. Iā€™m getting pretty good results with Humminguru, but the possibility of better yet from the Degritter is a big temptation, despite the high price.
Iā€™d be particularly interested in how you get on with it, especially what incremental results you get if you reclean LPā€™s already cleaned with your other machines.

I found a Nobsound device on Amazon some time ago - maybe a DAC or small amp, I canā€™t remember but the name did put me off.

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I have cleaned about 60 LPs so far, many new, some pre-cleaned on my Kirmuss, and some that were cleaned before. I mostly just use the plain distilled water tank and have not used the tank with the Degritter formula much.

Some of the records I cleaned before with the Audio Desk I re-cleaned (plain water) and that removed some ticks and pops, making them more quiet.

So far I am very pleased and think this is a better solution than the Audio Desk, which isnā€™t a true ultrasonic cleaner anyway.


Thanks JDP. Thatā€™s what I was hoping youā€™d say and is what Iā€™d be hoping to achieve by shelling out for the Degritter. Grist to the Millā€¦

A pair of GEC-KT88 power tubes with their original military boxes for the Aegis headphone amp. Stunning sound from them!


I acquired a used NAC282 today, Iā€™m getting a ex dem Dynavector 10x5 next week. Maybe an ex demonstration 250DR in August? Then I should stop spending money an HiFi, I think Iā€™ve said that before!


Today I removed the AQ Niagara.
After some time listening I decided to go back to my blacknoise.
The difference is not straight clear. There for the AQ is to expensive. For now it is better to put the money else in the systeem. F.E. supercap I hope
As said before it is a beautifull filter. But the increase of SQ in my system is not enough.

I might be regretting my choice we will see.

Purchased a Muso 2 for my bedroom, and I Am impressed by it.

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Me too, by the seductive lighting. :blush:

Bedroom or ā€œBoudoirā€ā€¦ :wink:

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The blame is on the phone camera.

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Tubes are beautiful! And, mysteriously, the more DIY the looks of the amp, the more beautiful they lookā€¦

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Thank you for the further report. It is very helpful. Great if you have had good experiences with the blacknoise. It confirms the impression that the advantages of Audioquest power conditioners depend on the system and your own power supply situation. I had considered buying a Niagara 1200 or 3000 myself. But with dedicated mains I have made a big step forward. Iā€™ll go without a power conditioner, at least for now, and stick with my unfiltered Furutech e-TP 60E NCF. Maybe Iā€™ll try upgrading the power strip later. But thatā€™s not my next step.


New power supply for pulse mini :grin:


That was fast lol

I really love the pulse mini so I sold qutest and bought power supply. Iā€™m set now streaming and dac wise. Sounds so musical!


I havenā€™t bought these, but simply borrowed them from a friend for a month or two, and have yet to work out where everything should go. Plumbing in was easy - mono XLRs that usually go into the 300DR plug into the Violectric.

The Violectric is very good, I am sure, but the real point was that it lets me hear what Spirit Torinoā€™s Valkyria headphones can do.

Crikey! I have heard quite a few headphones over the years, but nothing like these. Lots of good headphones that I have heard are great at detail and stereo image, but many fall down on realistic deep bass and natural foot-taping boogie. These donā€™t. They are pretty astonishing for SQ, though the anti-social aspect means they wonā€™t be replacing my speakers.

I will also avoid looking at the UK priceā€¦