What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

It’s something with the Tannoy single source drivers I love so much. Complete phase coherence I think is key and something normal speakers have to fight with complex filters. Have tried different traditional 2-3 way speakers but non of them have come close painting the pictures tannoy can. It’s pretty different but the music coherence is addictive. Then they are not perfect in other ways but they compromise least with the things I like in music presentation.


Shouldn’t they be called Tannoy Trumps now?

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I don’t get it.

Golf course was Turnberry. It is now Trump Turnberry.


Haha. What I know about golf and courses would fit on a postage stamp.

But I agree about point sources. I have some Omegas with a single driver and no crossover and despite the fact my PMCs are three times more expensive, the Omegas do some things the PMCs simply can’t.

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That’s a brilliant idea. Will try it before I decorate as thinking os silvery concrete effect wallpaper to match speakers!

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NAC 282 & NAP 300 DR, just a few hours ago.
Installed and sounding fabulous.
282 is brand new and therefore has a period of running in ahead of it, but the 300 is preloved (2018) so just a bit of settling in required on that.


I bet you’ll be in a “Rush” to listen to it at its best?


Surprisingly, no Rush played yet🫣
This will be remedied very VERY soon Simon…:wink:


Thought that’d be the first thing you played


I like to play Rush on the LP12, but as I have the kitten down here with me this afternoon that’s off the menu.
Just put my “Rush - The Studio Albums” playlist on starting at “ A Farewell To Kings”.
Needless to say, sounding AWESOME!:grin:


Wow - big upgrade. Seems to have escalated quickly? Or maybe I’m just getting older and time is marching on. Weren’t you considering the New Classics?

I wonder if that has shaken off the upgrade bug completely or just fed the beast for now…

Either way, what a great set up you have now - one that many would aspire to as end game. Bet it sounds amazing.Enjoy!

Thank you. Yes, some months ago NC was the temptation. However, as much as I liked the NC products, a Pre/Power/PSU system was £22k alone.
The alternative was dropping the Power for Active ATC SCM40’s, but I didn’t like them and the cost was still very high.
Also, both the solutions were very limiting in certain upgrade areas, like the streamer.
So ‘Classic’ Black Boxes were the way forward and very happy I am too😊


The ultimate upgrade to my NDS has arrived… :slight_smile: When it comes to Naim, 5 is my favourite number!
No pets at home. These are the signs of delivery and serious customs clearance.
Never judge by the cover. Priceless treasure is inside.
After one evening of listening, I still cannot believe my old ears. Should have made this move long time ago… :slight_smile:


Recently replaced my 202 for the 282 and is has made a marked improvement to the system, definitely lived up to all the positive comments that it receives, totally understand why a lot of members rate it very highly.

My original plan was to add a 250dr to replace my 200dr but I must admit I’m very tempted to save and possibly add a 300dr instead mainly thinking it will be an end game, or maybe work on the source next but I think my current PMC’s would benefit from the better power amp, still early days and really enjoying the system as it stands.


Don’t kid yourself, not now you’ve joined this forum :smile:


Nice Model of the “Duke” on the shelf :+1:


You were close. It’s actually a Class 7 “Firth of Forth”. The Duke was heavily based on the Class 7 design though and difficult to tell apart from the later 7s. :nerd_face:

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So, a sort of Firth of Fifth? :grinning:


You now have to post more close up photos :grin: :+1:t2: