What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

I might get sent to the lounge but maybe I’ll get away with a cheeky one.


A couple of additions this summer.
Delayed posting due to a few hectic weeks of work.

1. Uniti Core
Actually prefer the HDX more than the Core, so this is on the chopping block.

2. Questyle CMA 12 Master
Very nice. Prefer the nDAC as that has a more well-rounded presentation. But this is no slouch.

3. Focal Clear MG

4. Ortofon Quintet Blue
For Rega P3

5. Raspberry Pi 4 rig
For my limited Roon use
-Allo Digione SPDIF hat
-Ian Canada ShieldPi Pro power supply filter
-Ian Canada PurePi Ultra Capacitor power supply


Cheers for that , very nice model, the Brits are a favourite class :+1:t2:

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7mm or 4 mm


7mm. There’s a 4mm 7 “Black Prince” in the first photo. I like to feel that they add something to the overall soundstage when listening to music :blush:


I couldn’t bear the temptation any longer. Early days, but I think I’m glad I took the leap.


@KJC - Oh well done. I’m still saving!! What was the first record you chose to clean and how was it?

I still love mine so far. I’ve cleaned about 150 LPs so far.

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So ND555 I presume?

Last week I turned 65 so I ordered this to replace my 12 yr old Clearaudio Ovation.

My new Clearaudio Innovation (Piano Black) arrived today. I ordered it with the 12" Universal arm. I am keeping the 9" Universal arm I had on my Ovation, and that will get a mono cartridge I have on order (due in a few weeks).

I just got it set up and played a few records. It sounds fantastic so far, but I will do some more tweaking tomorrow with VTA, AS, and double checking cartridge alignment.

God help me if I ever have to move this with two arms and cartridges mounted. It weighs about 55 lbs.

It also came with a the Clearaudio Professional Power LPS, so I don’t have to worry about sourcing a wall wart replacement.


That sir, is a stunning deck.
Does the Superline have multiple line inputs or do you have to switch cables and settings when you move between the two arm/cart options?:thinking:

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Dirt - Alice in Chains

£1K per year…?

That looks amazing! I’m sure it sounds fantastic. Apologies if this turns out to be a stupid question but are there two tone arms so that two different cartridges can be permanently mounted allowing a choice or is it another reason? I hope you enjoy your new turntable.

Wow and wow!

Did you consider the tangential arm @JosquinDesPrez?

I chose some less important discs to clean first in case I made any mistakes using it for the first time. Quite an impressive clean on this Wagner disc from 1974 though.

I bought it from a charity shop for £2.99 yesterday. I took a quick listen to the uncleaned record on the quiet introduction to Tannhauser before cleaning and it was predictably full of pops and crackles. One heavy clean cycle later and those surface noises were pretty much gone. :blush:


Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 driving Proac Tab 10s one week in.

I may upgrade the Tabs one day, but now their range is a revelation.

RoomPerfect is a game changer; truly might be endgame one-box solution for me.


@QuickSticks The Superline only has a single input. What I do with that is still TBD, but until I either get a second, or replace it with a multi-input phonostage I have to switch cables.

@penllyn Right, it has two tonearms for different cartridges. In my case I have the stereo cartridge on the 12" arm and I will put a mono cartridge (ordered) on the 9" arm. I have quite a few mono records, mostly jazz but some classic rock and classical too.

@Rafael I did consider a linear tracking arm, the Clearaudio TT3, but the distributor talked me out of it. They said the TT3 is just too finicky to setup and keep maintained, especially with 3rd party cartridges. They won’t even support it unless I use a Clearaudio cartridge they know can work with it. I went with the 12" Universal arm instead. I already had the 9" version so I know what a great tonearm it is.


To me this is an hypnotic piece of gear. Many thanks for your reply, enjoy your 66th lap around the sun.


My reasoning for considering a TT3 is that I play a lot of classical music and though it would help to eliminate IGD. But the 12" arm will go a long way to achieving that too. It’s also very easy to setup, and requires no maintenance.