What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

I go and pick them up on Tuesday
Must admit I’m looking forward to seeing them in the flesh so to speak and meeting Alan the man who designed and built them



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Thank you @Bokermonz. The LP12 I bought has a beautiful plinth. Originally black ash, someone has sanded it back and refinished it. I loved it and bought it for that reason plus it looked immaculate. Once I got the turntable I had it serviced and discovered that the bearings needed repairing on the Akito tonearm. I have had Cirkus and Kore fitted and Lingo 1, different cart.

I would like further upgrades on the LP12 but have apent alot on speakers and preamp upgrade and 3 powerlines.

For the time being I am delighted with my system.

I have so.e servicing of black boxes being done and then I am done for quite a while.

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Non meta ls50… impressive. Mixing up with the Atc 11’s they hold their own.


A new belt for my Sondek.

The ‘meh’ has gone. The thrill is back. Very pleased.


My Clearaudio gets a new belt annually (and bearing oil more often). It’s such an inexpensive part for the peace of mind.

Super Lumina speaker cable (from Witch Hat Phantom) - too new to comment yet as they’re still hot from the back of the FedEx truck.


Audiolab 6000CDT to replace my CD5Si that has gone on the fritz, skipping, stopping and showing ERR. Using the DAC in my ND5XS2 it sounds very good indeed and it’s still burning in. I may get the CD5Si fixed but at a cost over £450 I’m not sure…


Well they have landed ( collected) from Wakefield
Alan a lovely fella had a nice chat with him
Picked up his speaker cable as well open window xl.400 very nicely made and sound amazing
Now some braking in to be done before some serious listening goes ahead


Looking very nice indeed, can I be cheeky and ask what sort of price are a pair.

No problem £2130.00 or non custom finish is £2080.00
In my mind worth every penny
Speaker cable £225.00

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In this day and age that sounds like a bargain, be interesting to hear your thoughts when they have settled in :slightly_smiling_face:.

I assume you are going into the ND5XS2 via the BNC option?

Ordered Hana Umami Blue to be installed on Saturday.


I will let you know in a few weeks but they sound very very good already
Some serious mids and bass but a little bit off tizz at the moment but I’m sure that will go soon as soon as the tweeters (scanspeak) bed in
They are extremely well built and reassuringly heavy the feet they stand on are very well thought out as well by Alan I’ve never come across feet like them but they are so easy to set up and most off all work

SMSL PO100 Pro

Hi Thruster I have an Audiolab 6000 CDT too and I am satisfied with it. I see you have put it on a glass plate. Is that beneficial for the sound quality? Naim units usually respond positively and Naim Fraim also uses glass plates. But I am not sure if this is also positive for devices from other manufacturers

I’ve given up buying hifi, but I’m sure nobody is remotely interested in my new dining table.


You could always start a new thread - “Show us your Diningtable”?



We bought daughter 2 for her birthday (at her request) a Gomi Designs Bluetooth speaker. A sort of cheapo Muso. She wants to use it in her kitchen.

I found the concept & technology interesting. We had it running over last weekend, streaming AAC files from our various iThings (both daughters were visiting the aged parents}.

Sound is OK, but nowt special…Certainly not in the same league SQ-wise as her Meridian 101B/M20 lounge system.

But there are similarities :grin: the Gomi is mono….as is currently her lounge system where one of the M20 (active) speakers appears to have died. Needless to say, Mum is going to Londinium next week with a spare pair of M2 (also active) and Dad will need to get his soldering iron out for the duff M20.

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