What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2023?

I rolled the dice on the NC gear and ordered up a 222 and 250. Should arrive tomorrow. First new kit I’ve bought since the aughts. Fingers crossed.


I think it has to be “What are you using for a dinner table and why might anyone be interested.”


Well I love my 222/300/250 so I’m sure you will enjoy - and you’ll always be able to add the 300 later :wink::+1:

I suppose I could post a pic of daughter1’s new dining table which she assembled this afternoon.

I hope you’re right but I will likely hang on to my 555. Should have the legacy burndy by the end of the week. :blush:

Sorry didn’t realise you’d already got a fine power supply - you should really enjoy the new bits then :+1:

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I am using input 3 a digital coax connection

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The 5 glass shelves came with the target rack. I liked the sound but thought I would replace them with bamboo. I liked the sound but then refitted the glass shelves each mounted on 3 ball nutters. I like the sound but is glass, ball nutters and bamboo the best combo???

That would lead to unnecessary leaf upgrades

Don’t expect anyone to be interested at all…


Recent acquisitions:


ARO, refurbished /rewired by Linn (not Naim)

Linn Troika - about to go to Goldring for rebuild.

Falcon LS3/5A Gold Badge speakers (cherrywood).

Naim CD 3

With a new cherry plinth LP12, to be supplied by Cymbiosis.


Nice, Graham. I look forward to your new classical adventures on the Linn and Naim in the Classical thread. :+1:

Those Docs look good, and it’s a very fine table.

What are they, very clean looking, love the veneer.

Thanks, JDP, I will post again once Peter Swain has helped get the new LP12 up and running - this will take a bit of time, as I will be sending the ‘old’ Troika to Goldring for refurbishment today.

You’ll have to post some pictures in the systems pics thread.

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That may take a while, as I’m not good at posting photos.

I’ve noticed. It is very easy though. Do you have an iPhone or iPad?

Yes, both.

Then it’s I doddle to post pics on here. Do this:

  1. Take a picture with your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Start a new post on here.
  3. Touch the rectangular icon at the top of the post (it looks like an image of a mountain).
  4. Choose Photo Library.
  5. Select the photo you wish to insert.
  6. Touch ‘Add’

The image will appear in the post.