What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Isn’t there a bolt that holds the transformer too?

This is how it looks, so all must be unscrewed? Does the transformer come loose then? Then I’ll probably refrain just to be safe.

I would also hesitate loosen the 4 screws in the center. They seem to be fastening the cooling plates inside… I believe the instructions above is a bit wrong. I might be…wrong.


Curiosity killed the


Leave it alone.


Bought myself a WiiM pro plus streamer.
Circa £200. Have to say that first impressions using Tidal are really positive.
I worried a bit about setting up, but it’s so simple.
Struggling to say anything other than positives really.
Lots of radio options to explore too.
Just using the RCA outputs into the SN3 with an old pair of Chord Chameleons.
I’d forgotten how beautifully made the Chords are


I’m not sure you’re wrong. I’m also not sure the instructions above are definitely wrong, or definitely right! But if I were @Bjorn Iwould need to be absolutely certain before taking the lid off any NAP250DR I owned!!

This is worth a read, confirming some relationship to the heatsink bolts:


Yes, I’m not going to take any risks and it seems quite unsafe and complicated, so I’ll refrain.


Yes, all those screws. The transformer does not come loose.

You’re absolutely wrong. There are screws through the internal aluminum shell that hold the heatsinks in place. Those screws are not removed and you can’t see them from the outside. Nothing comes loose when you remove the outer case.

@Bjorn will do what he likes. But as @Blackbird mentioned I would be careful!
What comes out of this is often tears … speaking from experience!
Opening nac72 … no problem, but the recent boxes are more complex.

Just joined the world of Naim with a Nait XS 3. I traded in a huge heavy Italian Fase power amp and a Hegel pre amp, that I had bought SH about 10 years ago. I got a good trade in. I also retired my Celestion Dittons,

I really like this amp. I also bought some PMC Prodigy speakers.

Hope to get at least 10 years enjoyment out of this setup


Hey Mikee, I’ve had one for few months now and if you are using the line outs don’t miss out on checking out the different digital filters options.

I didn’t give it a go until today and I found I had a real preference for one of the other filters other than the default.

Interestingly there is a review in the most recent hifi news magazine and it measured as the best digital device ever for distortion figures and they were very impressed.

I upgraded from ND5 XS2 to this one about two months ago. Of corse it was a bit of an improvement :slight_smile:


Hi. That’s a good tip, thanks, will investigate

There is an article on the faq page of their website which gives some descriptions of the different settings.

I still need to investigate more but have settled on filter 2 so far, the slow roll off setting.

By coincidence I checked the setting I use on my mx-Dac in my naim system and it is also the same slow roll off setting. Totally different Dacs but without consciously knowing settled on same approach.

There is some technical explanation to the settings in the hifi news review in tech breakout box.

I’ll be watching the release of the “ultra” with interest.

Just won a Chord Chrysalis Phono to DIN lead, on eBay… :grinning:

Useful To Have.


Having noted the uplift brought to the LAN using an EE8 switch, it seems only logical to try one of these….

We’ll see how it goes……



Arrived complete with an foc C-Stream Ethernet cable, meaning no need to go searching for a suitable cable to complete the ‘installation’ such as it is :grin:.

Definitely a noticeable uplift in SQ through my Atom HE/Utopia combo, this after that recorded after installing the EE8 switch to replace an elderly 2960.

Worth mentioning that AlanG from Chord took the time to give me a call to clarify an EE8/EE1 query I had raised and offered a good explanation as to the benefits of switching and noise reduction and the combinations thereof. Great to hear a manufacturer recommend personal listening as the final arbiter as to perceived benefits :grin::+1:.

Will review the EE1’s impact on my NSC222, also switched (perhaps bridged?) using an Apple AirPort Express 2nd Gen which extends my WiFi network.

Edit #1: Moved the EE1 to its final destination between the Apple AirPort Express (switch/bridge?) and the 222, again saw a noticeable declutterring , not night and day but definitely perceptible. So, overall I’d say it works well in my system in my room to my ears, but as always YMMV and a listen is essential. Probably would be further improved by a better streaming cable from the EE1 to the 222 and/or adding a EE8 into the mix, but that’s definitely for another day.


I’ve been looking for ndac to see the effect of improving my source for a couple of years. Then last week I was able to grab this one! It’s changed the sound more than I expected to be honest. I now understand why people encourage upgrading source first. I don’t regret doing things in the order I did because my speakers compliment the ndac quite well but I can see how a mismatch could occur and it probably is safer to start with your source then match speakers. The ndac’s has made music so cohesive and effortless with a bass emphasis which works brilliantly with my Harbeth speakers. I think this was exactly what my system was missing.


Hi dmu definitely worth the wait then.:+1:

I think you could be correct with the bass energy being a possible issue for some peoples setup, thankfully in mine it simply brings an added layer to the sound stage which the PMC’s seem to cope with well.

Can I ask how you have the ndac hooked up to your 282, just curious.

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