What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

In order to better isolate the cables between each other.


Nice !
How much does a pair cost?
Is it configured as left/right mono - same as naim ones?

Cxnnected headphone cable (as my standard Focal cables are ok for using on the move, but too short if I want to use them with my Uniti Star).


1750 EUR for 1m and identical to Naim ones :+1: He can build any naim cable at any length on custom order. Anyone thinking of SL should evaluate this one IMO. And then there are series above in his range but I haven’t heard them.

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Hi @Hifi-dog , you don’t by any chance have photos of the insides after doing this?
I’m just a bit unsure what you mean by “putting the HF & LF on one connector”.
Cheers, Ian

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Even better than I’d hoped for!
Many thanks @Hifi-dog think I’ll try this out :+1:

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It serves more or less like a a typical preamplifier for the anlogue signal from the turntable, digitizes it an delivers it to the Lyravox via SPDIF.

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system upgrades finished ! added SCDR to 252/300DR , moved from SC, soundstage is wider, bass is more…well just more

for those of you with black and white its the one behind the pink! sorry old, black box on bottom of FRAIM


FYI, 555 DR now serviced :blush:


PMC 25.26i’s sounding fantastic


They look nice too :+1:

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Can’t wait to try these out.


Nice! Judging by all the boxes in the background they are not the only thing you have purchased! :smiley: :upside_down_face:

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So I have done it, I have actually done it, I have bought a streamer!!!

A Uniti Atom and a nice wee pair of Kef LS50 Metas to go with it :slightly_smiling_face:

As all the ‘old’ hifi is in the smaller ‘music’ room we wanted a small system for the bigger room. We wanted something that would nicely blend in, so initially thoughts were a Muso, but then I felt I wanted a bit more so ended up with the Atom. Just a few tweaks needed for placement, we are looking out for a nice appropriate table for it.

Overall I am delighted with it. Aesthetically both the Atom and the LS50s look great and sound terrific! AND now I get it! I get what this streaming thing is all about! :slightly_smiling_face:


I used to have this system 4-5 years ago (non Meta version of the LS50s) and I must admit it is a fantastic sounding combiniation. As you say, they look great together too. The LS50 stands look fantastic too but they are rather pricey…

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And at the risk of stirring up a hornet’s nest, I don’t think the Atom is as sensitive to set-up as classics etc - so I would not limit yourself to “hi if furniture” in your search for a home for the Atom. Especially if it’s in a more general purpose room.


Yes the stands are a tad expensive but they do help set it all off. To be honest I delayed on going for the stands because of the cost but I spied them on sale from a hifi shop for £309, so they are on their way :slightly_smiling_face:

Interestingly when I was in auditioning the speakers my dealer had a used pair of the KEF R3s, non Meta, which I was interested in. They looked great and sounded good too, there was a bit better bass separation, but overall the LS50 Metas were so much better! I am sure the newer R3 Meta sound fantastic but budget ruled them out!

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Yes indeed. Happily we are just looking for a nice solid console type table to fit in with the room decor. Nice plain good quality wood will do the job!


I’m interested to know what you think of the Meta speakers Martin. I had a pair of the R5 Meta with my classic system for a while and I must admit I was impressed. One of those few technological innovations which is the real deal and not a gimmick in my opinion. I only changed them to upgrade.