What was the last bit of gear you bought in 2024?

Your IBLs are in for a treat :fire::fire:


cat in the house … was a bit surprised that the finish is matt. Expected it to be glossy. Looks like big licorice strings :slight_smile:
1,5 m (for testing last leg against vodka) and 3,00 m zenith to PN against cinnamon…
When I have a bit time, I will give the cat some wool :slight_smile:

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Wow - IBL powered by 2x 350 … r
that is definitely a number… This must be a wonderful combination! And a benchmark of being fast.


Is the connector on the right pretty bent?

first I did not know what you mean… but now…
Strange … each plug (black plastic) is not very tight fixed and the metal part is a bit moving ion the plastic …
On one side of each cable the plastic cap is a bit more covering the metal than the other side. not very sturdy solution it is. Is this standard and meant to be so?

The bent plug was correct - the plastic “snapper” was not correct placed - it was above instead under the black cap. Now all fine - but with difference showed above and a bit wobble

Something different to consider here, not a new piece of gear but a new room layout for the gear. I recently upgraded my loudspeakers to PMC Fact 12’s and set these up largely the same as my previous system including PMC’s Twenty 26’s. The system clarity has been great but it has lacked some focus, presence, and general loudness, in theory, I should have heard more of everything not less! Having reflected on what I know about room acoustics I went back to basics, firstly looking at first reflections, I moved a sound panel/absorber from behind one of my speakers and placed this at the first reflection point to the right hand side of my speaker using a mirror to locate this point. I then moved my REL sub back closer towards the rear wall. The difference has been utterly astonishing to me, the room is now fully pressurised, bass presence is controlled and the whole soundstage has come to life. The speed of delivery with my Naim CD555 and Fact 12’s is breath taking and the sub bass keeps up with the pace with the S510 justifying it reputation. For me, getting complacent and a little lazy with set up nearly cost me the sound I have now discovered. If not already done so, I would urge you to review your system layout, small tweaking can make such a difference.


good idea. Slee does a home demo option which is worth trying.

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Is it me or is the overhang on your mounted DV well short of the standard 52mm?

Just turned up and in position. I have some playing around to do but first impressions….not great. Only seems to be having a small effect in my room when trying the tracks that cause me problems. Roon DSP seems to be way more effective and a whole lot cheaper.

Early days though, will try some more positions, but at 6k for the pair, well….

What gain setting are you using yours on?

The overhang is actually the recommended 52 mm even if it looks shorter on the photo :blush:

I don’t know :grimacing:, the installer set it up for me and I just feel the difference is significant enough to justify the price. I guess my problem is so severe, the bass sometimes was so boomy because of the room size (lack thereof). Perhaps your set up is better than mine, hence less impact.

It’s a pretty standard installation. The black ends next to the connectors will be a sleeve that can be pulled over the metal casing where the individual pairs are terminated.

The main question for you will be if there’s an detectable sound benefit.

My bass issue is significant enough, but it would seem Roon dsp does a better job of managing it than the AVAAs, much to my surprise. The distributor is talking to me about a Trinnov device now, but looks more like studio equipment :man_shrugging:

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I had a tronnov amethyst and it is certainly the best electronic solution I have tried. (compared to Dirac live and Roon) it does look suspiciously like a 1990s PC from the rear though🤣

I have that, a cylindrical bass trap. It works for me. Mine costs 100 euros per unit.


I love things which don’t need batteries.


@Ryder35 the device they are pitching to me is called a Nova, but it looks like a piece of studio gear :man_shrugging:
@frenchrooster what size is that. I understood effective physical bass traps need to be rather large?

Naim NC NAP250 on power amp duties. I’ve been a bit lazy on getting to hear the 350s, so as a stop gap (or possibly not) and with the imminent price rise, I’ve picked up a mint ex dem 250.

A great update on the OC case design, very nicely made (in the UK too) and bloody heavy ! As a bonus, the new white logo and power button matches my Linn kit perfectly.



That looks very smart. Compact and stylish, enjoy :+1:t2:

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